Uncle Larry's younger brother, Boogs (Dave) and Homer the Hound

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Many of you enjoy Uncle Larry on our shows. Nat Geo did an episode that featured Uncle Larry's younger brother, Dave, known as Boog or Boogs within our family. I guess "The Yukon Vet" is back home in Haines, where Boogs, Jimmer, and many of my family live.

Boogs loves hound dogs. He once had a hound named Huck/Hucky, named after Huckleberry Hound of the Hanna Barbera cartoons. Once Hucky passed, Boogs got another hound. This time it was Homer, the start of this episode.

Well, seems Homer has made the mistake of showing up at the vet's office to check out the vet's dog that is in heat. Homer's curiosity cost him; he get's fixed.

As Boogs takes Homer home for his last night of intact sleep, there is the typical Stickler one-liner from Boogs, "He better lick 'em good tonight." :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: So classic of him, Larry, or any of my Uncles.

We might need to have Boogs on an episode. If we could get him, Uncle Larry, and Uncle Mike, it would be one for the ages.

If you want a few laughs, Boogs can be counted on to provide such, though at the expense of Homer.
