Training For Hunts Turn Into New Interests?


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2009
North Carolina
After going on my first elk hunt a few years ago, this NC boy got his rear handed to him, so I decided to loose weight and get in shape. Lost 30 lbs, run all the time, and my next hunt was much different and much more enjoyable!

At first, I couldn't run a mile without being out of breath. Now, I am addicted to running! Usually log around 40 miles a week. Today I ran my first marathon in Raleigh, NC.

Has anyone else found a new hobby from training for more enjoyable hunts, or anything related to hunting?

Awesome congrats on not only improving your hunting abilities but also over health.

I have also become addicted to the running thing and even got into ultras. I just entered the lottery for Western States 100 (it works like a bonus point system but you have to run a qualifying race to enter the lotto) hoping to draw in next couple years.
Awesome congrats on not only improving your hunting abilities but also over health.

I have also become addicted to the running thing and even got into ultras. I just entered the lottery for Western States 100 (it works like a bonus point system but you have to run a qualifying race to enter the lotto) hoping to draw in next couple years.

Western States 100 is no joke, and so far out of my league! Let me know if you get the opportunity to run it! That would be interesting! Good luck!
I got into running for the same reason as both of you. I’ve done 3 marathons. Lost 40 pounds. Looking into the possibility of doing a 52 mile trail run. I’m not sure if I have the energy to train for that long or a race. Definitely make a difference once September comes around though.
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Well done!
Going on an Elk hunt for the first time is quite a leveling experience, i have prepared for mine in the past doing a few runs, but mainly long walks, i had done so much running in the past i came to hate the experience of running on my own.

Up until my late teen's i was in a group called the 'British milers club', it was an elite club in that you had to achieve a time of less than 4 minutes to complete a mile in a track race, or an equivalent for one's age group, which i did.
But work (and the fairer sex!) got in the way and i dropped out, did a few half marathons, but i live in the countryside and couldn't find anyone to run with, so it came to a natural end.

Fast forward to today, aged 57, my wife aged56 suggested we join a running club to get fit, reluctantly (very reluctantly!) i agreed as it was something we could do together, and in the back of my mind i got to thinking about Elk hunting next year.
Big mistake! We started to run in a group, long lost ugly feelings raised to the surface, competitiveness!
We are 9 weeks into the course, i did a short gentle 5K park run (see in the USA last Saturday, i got boxed in (that's my excuse for a crap time of just under 30 mins) but i can say once i got going i was only passed by once, by some kid i would guess at around 15 years of age!

So next year i should be in good shape for my next Elk hunt, pity we don't have any elevation in the UK!

Sorry for the long winded reply, but i have just realised how passionate i am about running, although having said that i have no inclination to ever run a marathon!


Well done and congrats!! Hunting and keeping up with my kids are why I stay in the modicum of shape that I am in and it's not yet turned into a new hobby/passion, but it probably should.
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