Yeti GOBOX Collection

Total waste!!!!

in my thoughts , they wanted to hunt and get some horns but didnt really want the work of transporting all that meat across multiple states and having to keep it cool and not letting it spoil, sounds like a pre thought out plan for these JACKWAGONS !!!!. lazy hunters that need their hunting privileges revoked, we didnt know how to gut an elk ??? there as lazy at lying as hunting , they didnt even put any thought into there lie either. SAD very SAD. i have times of remorse and sadness in the days following after i have taken an animal and i hunt for the meat , the horns are always the bonus for me. I enjoy hunting and the time i spend in pursuit of an animal and the time with friends and family in doing so , but i dont take pleasure in killing the animals i hunt. life is precious to me
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That just sucks. It really pisses me off knowing I might get one chance in my life to hunt out west in the next couple years and they didn't even bother to take the poacher cuts. Poaching is horrible here in Florida. I find headless bucks on wma's every year.
here in NY I have passed on a LOT of easy deer because: I don't have time to butcher it the next few days, the temperatures are too warm, some days I just don't feel like butchering a deer but I go out anyway because for a dandy of a buck my mood can change or I will pay the butcher. just no excuse to waste an animal

it is doubly sad that last night I was texting my dad and he said some of his clients that go to Colorado every year didn't get anything for a third year in a row. Granted I have some suspicions as to why they may not be getting anything, but if two lazy hunters hunt and one gets lucky that is fine, but when the lucky one wastes the meat then it upsets me
Leaving the animal lay sucks, but there are no shortage of filthy dirtbags in the world. I am getting better at accepting that. Report them, move on and don't let it ruin your time outdoors (there is not enough of that any way).

Jose and Buzz never fail to make me laugh. ��
Pretty sure the word, "word" has a "d" in it and not a "k"...ass. :W:

Pretty good for .guv employee.

How about this one, pretty sure the word DICK has both in it...

Did I get that one correct?

Buschy, they both never fail to make me shake my head.
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