Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Torn CCL?

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Deleted member 38069

My 4 year old lab was diagnosed with a CCL tear. It's a wait and see approach right now. The main option I've read about is the TPLO surgery. I just want him healthy.

Has anyone had any experience with this?

all depends if it's a complete or partial tear for how the wait and see approach will work.

my wife's clinic does the repair surgery on a regular basis and not sure if they can repair a partial tear or have to wait for a complete tear. I would look into it because it might be an easier (cheaper) prognosis to repair a partial tear, or it might be one of those situations where you manage the dog for now until it becomes a complete tear then pony up for the surgery.

a few things I would suggest regardless if you wait or call to discuss a surgical approach: joint food (Hills J/D has been great with her lab mutt) something in the dasaquin line up with msm (nutrimax is one of the few trusted glucosamine companies, msm is also anti-inflamatory so will help there) she also dumps welactin (fish oil) in his breakfast. as well as a few good pain medications which you would have to talk to your vet about but i'll PM you those.

keeping his weight on the light side will also help, not saying starve him but my wife's 70is pound lab mix is on 3 cups of food total a day and does just fine, but need to keep him from getting fat to keep it easier on the injured knee
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No experience, just wishing for a speedy recovery for your pup.
Just went through this last month with one of my dogs. We opted for the tightrope over the TPLO. Long story short, my dog had an underlying problem that was not properly diagnosed, and she ended up dying due to complications after surgery. We talked with a number of vets, and the consensus was it is a toss up between the two methods. One prefered the TPLO, the other the tightrope. Either way they will never be 100% again. If the TPLO goes south (i.e. bone infection), you're really screwed, and since its quite an invasive surgery its a real possibility. The tightrope is much less invasive, and if something goes wrong, its not nearly as messy. Also, I'm sure your vet probably told you, but the torn CCL could be just part of it, the meniscus could also be damaged/torn... My dog was older 8yo, but in good shape and not overweight. There is usually an underlying issue that causes the tear, when one goes, there is something like a 70% the other will go as well. In my case it was arthritis which deteriorated the tendons.

The thing we were stressed on was to make sure to get them rehabbed as soon as possible so they don't lose muscle mass, it prolongs the healing and takes forever to build back up. It can be the difference of 3-4 months post surgery to a year and a half... The sit and wait game can be very detrimental to their long term success. If the dog is not using its leg, the muscles will atrophy very quickly. i would certainly talk to other vets and get a second and third opinion.

Best of luck, hope your pup heals fast.
My Brittany had TPLO on both legs. One about 6 months after the other....its fairly common when one goes the other is right behind it due to the excessive stress on the good leg during the injury and rehab. The hardest part was keeping her off the repaired leg during rehab. She was ready to run a few days after and we had to hold her back...that worked for a while. Pretty happy with the surgury but it was a pretty penny. She'll never be back to 100%, but pretty close. She can still chase birds for most of the day but is a bit sore the next day. She's 9 now and had the surgeries a couple years ago.
I did both legs on a young lab years ago. He was a hard charging dog, and I never noticed him slowing down after the surgeries. We had the TPLO, and in my research 8-9 years ago it was the only one recommended for active dogs. The tightrope was suggested for older dogs that were done running through the fields and marshes. Though things may have changed with that regards.
Surgery was done Yesterday. Surgeon confirmed it was an early torn ccl. That means arthritis will be minimal! He should be 100% by mid October. God willing, we'll be chasing roosters!
Which procedure did you have? My Lab had TPLO back in Feb. but she is still favoring the leg a little bit. Vet said there is still some swelling around the knee that is not normal. We are going back for more xrays. I love my dog, but she sure has cost me a boatload of money.
He had TPLO. I can already tell that keeping him low kry will be very tough! I hope your pup is alright!
Best wishes for your pup! My first dog had tplo surgery, lots of swimming really helped her after she got the all clear to exercise.
My border collie had the tightrope done on both legs. She is 11 now and had the surgeries when she was 5 and 7. She still gets out and is able to work cows just fine and gets around great. She is a little stiff in the mornings but I’d imagine that’s pretty normal for most 11 year old dogs.
Congrats on the successful surgery!

My lab had TPLO a year ago and she's almost 12 1/2 now and still doing great 🤞. She's hard-headed though and literally walked out of the vet an hour after her surgery. The doc said he'd never seen anything like it 😃

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