PEAX Equipment

The end of summer has started

diamond hitch

Well-known member
Feb 9, 2020
Western Montana
I know this doesn't seem possible for many of you but-- this morning was 40. I've already had 4 bluebirds in my stove (no idea why they do that) and all the little birds have flocked up. The elk molest my bales at night and drag them all over the fields trying to get them open for a bite. And at 80 plus degrees the tourists seem obligated to light fires.

Its time to start thinking seriously about September. As I pick up
My molested and mangled bales I plan countinuously on the revenge I will put upon my midnight invaders.
Hard to fathom when it was 106 just a few days ago but it's happening. I notice it in my pastures. The long gone oldtimers thought the moisture rose in August and your irrigation water went further. I think it's just the days getting shorter.
End of summer for my area doesn't come until the cool dry winds come from the west. That doesn't happen until about mid to late September. Until then it will remain 105*- 115* unless we get a heat wave to send it above that.
The last few years out Sept. and Oct. has been hotter than the Summer, and had a fire season that you would expect from that...

I remember coming back from a Wyoming hunt where we got snowed on and it was 101 in Sacramento.
We're supposed to be 39* tomorrow night, forties the rest of the eves for the next couple of weeks. Woke up this morning and took a stroll to the top of the butte to watch the day begin, even got the Mrs. to come along! C'mon fall!!!!!!!!IMG_8882.jpgIMG_8884.jpgIMG_8896.JPG
She had to do the selfie thing...must be for the AARP magazine lol
Summer doesn’t end here until October or maybe November...I can be sweating during gun deer season and that is just sitting in a tree...And that is just wrong if you ask me.
We've had a cool front this week and only been in the high 80s with plenty of humidity. 40 degree mornings? That's like mid-November temps.
We've been in the 40's past couple of weeks a few times.
Fall will be here soon.
Hops are getting some nice cones on them.
A few summers ago we had a killing frost on August 9th. It's common to see leaves turning by the 3rd week of August. We have about 6 months of overnight lows below freezing. Snow in June is not unheard of either. I love it!
A few years ago we were camping in ID with the fam. July 31 it snowed, and two days later while in Stanley we woke to 28 and heavy frost.
A few years ago we were camping in ID with the fam. July 31 it snowed, and two days later while in Stanley we woke to 28 and heavy frost.

I've froze my tookis off up your way too neffa3...worked too late into the fall over in Leavenworth and up on top of Blewett Pass one year and begun to think I never would make it home!!