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TED talk?


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2015
Not a podcast idea per se - but, Fin - have you ever given consideration to trying to organize a TED talk on Public Lands and conservation?

Huge audience/exposure and 'our folks' are a (very) under-represented community in the TED talks world.
I've watched a lot of TED Talks. How does one organize a TED Talk?

I don't have much of an idea (beyond being a high flying Tech executive - that seems to guarantee a spot :) ), but beyond the big TED conferences in B.C., there are TEDx events on a lot of college campuses (most of the colleges in CO have hosted, it looks like UM has, as well).

Will dig into it some, but the overall guidelines are here:

For anyone who hasn't seen any or has no idea what a TED talk is (hint: it's not folks talking about a small stuffed bear, or about a certain republican presidential candidate), see this link:

I watch a lot of them as well and most are fascinating. A great idea-sharing platform in today's media world, for sure.
The ones I have seen have certainly been interesting. Might be a great platform to get a pro-public lands message out beyond the typical hook and bullet crowd.
I concur, that would be great if our fearless leader could do something TED related
I had to google it to know what it was, ha. It's a great idea and would definitely get the message to those that are not necessarily considered hunting allies.
Agreed with all of the above. TED talks got played in my college classes on a regular basis. I had no idea any of this conservation problem was going on until I stumbled upon the podcast. Would be a great way to educate some young people and let them know a problem actually exist.
Great idea. I've seen some TED talks on some topics that have never even crossed my mind.

I assume that a "don't transfer federal lands" message would be huge. Or maybe a "why hunting is conservation message." Kristy Titus, you or Rinella would do well.
A TED talk with Randy Newbird covering public lands and access, Steve Renilla for the hunting tastes good angle. Then Shane Mahoney to cover the North American game managment modle and how hunting is synonymous with conservation. Invite Tovar Cerulli author of Veagan Hunter to give his perspective. Then wrap it up with Joe Rogan to play the part of being a hunter to be connected with your food chain... And he is funny as hell.
This would also make a great Radio Lab podcast.
Absolutely a terrific idea, especially if it can be tied to any early results from the Wild Harvest Initiative. This is exactly the thing TED is meant for.