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Taxes: Why the revulsion?


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2000
I'm just asking why people are so against taxes? We do live in the best country in the world and have a tax rate much less than many other countries. What bugs you about taxes? What bugs you about taxes that benefit many of the things you enjoy? Is it mostly because you feel that taxes are misappropriated, misused, etc???

**I know I'm gonna get hammered for this, but here goes. I don't have a problem with taxes. Sure, it sucks to see them taken out of you paycheck, but in the end they allow us to have what we have in this country. No, I don't overpay my taxes and I do take my refund. However, I don't feel that I'm being treated unjustly. I support certain tax increases if they benefit things that I see important. For me that is education, the environment, and wildlife. I don't see paying taxes as money being taken away from me, but money that I never had. If I make $10/hr and work 40 hrs I know that I'm not coming home with $400. I don't have a problem with that, as I consider that as being part of the system.

Thoughts, opinions, and flames apreciated.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 09-10-2003 10:38: Message edited by: 1_pointer ]</font>
Why, because we want something for nothing, that's why. I demand good roads, proper garbage collection, excellent fire and police departments to keep my person and possessions safe, and things like parks and My Own Private Kentucky (thanx Gunner
). I just want someone else to pay for them!

I think the big aversion to taxes is exactly what you said: misappropriation. If I give a bum a $20 bill I intend that money to be spent on food or clothing. If I find that the $20 was spent on booze, that's the last dime he'll see from me. In the case of the gubmint, they force us to give them a substantial portion of our paychecks and tell us about using it for things like education, medical research, or whatever, but then they use the money for things like lifetime welfare and endless social programs that benefit very few. Many have reached the point where we feel that they need to better manage what we already give them before we will be willing to give them more.
Why? Ohhh I dunno maybe because once you add all the taxes you pay together approx half of your paycheck is gone.

Here in my little slice of heaven once you add the state and fed income tax, property tax , gasoline tax, sales tax, and any other taxes I have forgotten, 51% of your check went to taxes.
Yea what d and Marland said.

pointer I am sure that we know that we pay taxes with each paycheck. Personally I have been doing such for 26 years.

No ways around it either unless you are on welfare or a HUGE corporation that donates to political campaigns.

I am not saying that a tax for wildlife is a bad thing. Maybe we can just tax the expresso drinkers across the USA for it? ( I dont drink expresso
I am only against certain taxes. I would gladly support a tax that benefited wildlife or habitat conservation but I was pretty pissed about the tax we paid for that damn stadium to be built. I was so pissed I can not even remember the name of that thing now.
Misappropriation? (I never knew that was a word) is what I think scares most people though.
Surely 1 PT. you are against some taxes? like Few say`s we have to pay 400 million for a family of millionairs with deep pockets who bribe public officials see bidwells/cardinals why should the gereral public pay to subsidize millionairs? i am also against double taxation! excise taxes etc. have to blast ya if you support "all" taxes.

The people that would like to tax you some more, politicians, and the gubermint, are pretty clever about how they go about it. They don't want anyone to really know how much they are paying in taxes and just what YOU are really getting for it. Its a giant shell game. User fees, fed, state, local, unemployment, FICA, gas, sin, business licensing, auto, sales, property, and on and on. Who really ends up paying for all this? YOU!

Here's a question for you. How much do you pay in FICA tax including your employers contribution?


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 09-10-2003 19:38: Message edited by: BigHornyRam ]</font>
Right now nothing as I am not currently employed. Just one more week and I'll be able to get some of your tax dollars!
But, don't worry I don't plan on it. I do know that now that my wife own's a business that she pays a couple of extra taxes than she did before.

Thanks for the thoughts and opinions. I was just curious as any sort of tax increase for anything always evokes negative responses. Just wondered why. I guess I've just never made enough money to be bothered by what is taken out in taxes.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 09-10-2003 20:11: Message edited by: 1_pointer ]</font>
And who put all these taxes on the books? We did!!!
Every last one of these taxes was enacted by representatives elected by YOU! This is a flippin' Representative Government, and we elect people and empower them to tax us.

We have a President who in 3 years wiped out a Budget Surplus, killed a roaring economy, and now has a $455 billion deficit for this year. How do you think that money will be paid back? By TAXES. And how do you think the interest on that $455 billion will be paid this year? By TAXES.

And this guy wants another $87 billion for Iraq.
Don't blame the "Governement", as it is not an entity, it is merely a reflection of the people.
Gunner says:

"We have a President who in 3 years wiped out a Budget Surplus, killed a roaring economy, and now has a $455 billion deficit for this year. How do you think that money will be paid back? By TAXES. And how do you think the interest on that $455 billion will be paid this year? By TAXES."

Your simplified understanding of economics is very amusing. Explains why a moron like you would be in favor of dam breaching.

Luckly for Americans, most of us still remember what happened 2 years ago today.


I gotta hear how you think the budget deficit will be paid back, if it is not going to be paid back by TAXES? And how is the interest going to be paid back, if not by TAXES?

This ought to be amusing as hell, to hear how you explain this....

Students! Class is in Session.... Professor Paul is about to speak...................

Gunner- You weren't firing bowls for the weekend festivities were you???

One emerging problem I'm seeing is that many of us don't mind our tax money going for certain things but not others. Thus, a practical solution is that they take some from everyone and spread it around a little.

**I understand this would never be feasible, but what if you could pick what your taxes went for, would you be happier? The percentage you pay would be the same as now, but you got to pick who got it.** Just a hypothetical, use it for a brain sit up.
Would sound good anyways wouldn't it 1-P.

I could just see the sales pitches now for the Welfare Families, "As third generation recepients, you own these people a living."

I don't like my tax $$$'s going overseas, or providing generations with a living, especially illegal aliens and there extended families.
My "hot buttons" are welfare, and the retirement plan that elected officials benefit from. They serve one term, maybe two, and get a huge percentage of the salary as a pension for life. In addition to social security and whatever else. They ought to get social security or be on a regular government pension schedule, like a forest ranger, civil service clerk, etc.
While we're waiting for Professor Paul to take the podium, xGunner, why don't you explain to us how Bush "killed a roaring economy?" I'd also like to hear your theory as to how the prior administration created the "roaring economy," as well (you didn't make that claim, but it is implied).
"We have a President who in 3 years wiped out a Budget Surplus, killed a roaring economy..."

I doubt you are really that blind. Even with your head up your ass.

Your going to have to sell me some of your herb before I can teach YOU anything about economics. Sorry your a waste of my time. I flunked you out last semester. Later dude.

I remember in college, there was always this a discussion about a policy about when the Professor "could" show up. I was never sure if there was a policy, but some would claim that for a Grad Asst, you gave them 5 minutes, and associate prof, you gave them 10, and a Full, Tenured PhD, you gave them 20...

Well, classmates.... It looks like Professor Paul is a no-show today.....
Let's talk about this "roaring ecomony". I don't believe that the previous administration did anything but make waves on what was started by Regan. Bush the Elder certainly wasn't an economist and did little to build on what Regan started... Clinton came along and allowed people to sell stock in companies that didn't exist, some 5700 of which have filed bankruptcy and absconded with everyone's hard earned money... So along comes Bush the Younger and Osama Bin Ladden and 9/11 and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan... Now anyone who believes that war is cheap should stand up and leave the room.. They are beyond hope. Anyone who believes that either of the wars is unjust or unneeded should also explain thier position. Let's see, we have 5700 publically owned companies filing chapter 11 or chapter 13 in two years, we have the first and only major attack on American soil in more than 1 1/2 centuries, we are fighting wars on two major fronts, and the media is constantly belittling the administrations policies like it's all thier fault.. Forgive me but there seems to be some type of disconnect there..

So as for taxes,, Is it possible that some of us would sooner we had the type of retirement policy that our Congressman have? If you want it, get off your butt and go after it. Any swingin' wonger among you is eligible to run for public office... If you want so badly to change things, then go do it.. but for the love of mike, quit pissin' and moanin' about paying for the government we elected. Try living in Israel where you never see a flat 50% of your income. Move to the UK where you are taxed on the taxes and then taxed again. How about Japan?? Anones seen their tax table lately?? We receive more for our taxes than any people in the world and still you complain. If you don't like it, then run for office and change it!


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