Caribou Gear Tarp

Tarp tents


New member
Jan 23, 2003
Hey Krusty, you have any experience here?
I was thinking of makeing what is called an Alphamid. But adding a zipper door, floor and some big screened vents. It is a single wall tent that is the reason for the vents. Here is a picture of it.


It's 10' long X 5' wide X 6' high. I think I can make this tent for about $60.00 and weigh in at less then 4 pounds.
What do you think? Or do you know of a 1 1/2 man tent that is light, has enough headroom to kneel in too?
That is cool!

I have never seen an alphamid but it makes sense... I have seen diaramid, and a betamid, with each being doubled... diaramid is a pyramid shape, and betamid doubled pyramids joined at one corner. Both have no floor (so you can dig into the snow and use it for a high roof), does that one have a floor cloth?

I do have some experience sewing, and making my own gear, and I have found plastic tarp material to be problematic. The same for sewing zippers... I can never get them smooth, so they don't bind.

How would you get in and out of that tent? Which is huge... Who makes that one, and would it be easier to retrofit it with draw-tube vents and a door closure system (velcro comes to mind, a friend of mine fixed his tent this way, very easily)? You could also have the floor velcro in, so it could be pulled back for cooking, or leave it off and a "dug in" camp could still be made.

I know of a couple of 1 1/2ish man tents similar in shape, but none nearly as big inside as that one. And none near that price.

What's your main intended use for the tent, summer or winter camping?

Sorry I'm not much help on that one,

Check with Hornseeker here I think he built one. I really like the stuff.