Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Suppressor on hunting rifles


New member
Aug 18, 2011
I'll start by saying that I grew up as a traditional hunter and suppressors always seemed like they didn't belong in the hunting realm. This issue is currently going on in Wyoming and while I see the point of hearing protection...I'm not sure I buy that as the real reason that everyone really wants these, it only takes 2 seconds to put in ear plugs. I wonder if this is spill over from the AR15 crowd. I guess I'm not really for or against it, just wondering what everyone's thoughts were.

I potentially see this as a safety issue on public lands. I know that sound won't save my life cause the bullet will already be there before I hear it. BUT I really like to know where other hunters are when I am hunting public land.

Suppressors are legal in NZ and make a big difference to sustaining your hearing and even more if you hunt with a dog.
Waste of money, totally unbalance the rifle, having experienced the places you hunt they would be a hindrance.
Yes they can save your hearing but so can ear defenders.
Some say the shot confuses the deer so you can shoot another (often the case in the UK as we arent limited to what we shoot) in a group, i say that is nonsense.
I have a moderator (thats what we call them) gathering dust in my cupboard.
A guy a work with has one for his .223. We went shooting once, and it's not worth the paper work to get one. It does take the edge off, but without sub-sonic ammo it's not that quiet.

Just my 2 cents.
I went out with a group of Texans shooting p-dogs and all 3 had surpressors on thier Larue ar's. It was nice not to have to worry about ear plugs. From my experience it is substantially quieter and there is no need for ear plugs although obviously some surpressors must work better than others. I figured it would be nice for shooting coyotes out of the truck when you don't have time to find ear plugs especially if there are ohters in the veicle. Not sure if it is necessary for big game hunting purposes but if it's legal to use it doesn't bother me.
I would really like for them to become legal. They do reduce (not eliminate) the noise. They reduce felt recoil as well. I have a major coyote hunting addiction and I would really like to be able to use a suppressor here in Montana. I get my share of doubles on coyotes already, but I'd like to get more than my share, and I'm pretty sure a suppressor would be just the ticket to accomplish that.
"shooting coyotes out of the truck" ranks along with the phrase, "hold my beer and watch this shot" as the kind of expressions which reflect poor judgement on the part of gun owners and hunters.

We are our own worse enemies in this struggle to maintain our gun rights. I do realize that many do shoot out of a vehicle to quickly down an otherwise escaping coyote ... but please use discretion when throwing out such expressions.
What noharley said, whatever he said :)
(i will look it up :) Thank you for making me a smarter hunt talker noharley!
And as far as suppressors on hunting rifles go = find a different sport.
"shooting coyotes out of the truck" ranks along with the phrase, "hold my beer and watch this shot" as the kind of expressions which reflect poor judgement on the part of gun owners and hunters.

We are our own worse enemies in this struggle to maintain our gun rights. I do realize that many do shoot out of a vehicle to quickly down an otherwise escaping coyote ... but please use discretion when throwing out such expressions.

Poor Judgement ?, LMAO. Shooting coyotes from the truck is legal in some states while drinking and driving is not. Check your facts before you make yourself look like an idiot.
Speaking of zombies...I saw an awesome bumper sticker the other day.

"The hardest part about a zombie apocalypse will be pretending I'm not excited."
I don't have a suppressor, nor have I hunted with one.

With that said, I've been reading more and more about the "legitimacy" of supressors being used. You have to remember that not all of us hunt in the great wide open plains where your nearest neighbor is a cactus or rock formation. I'm all for being able to use a suppressor if it means you can shoot closer to urban environments. Even some farms are close enough to one another here in MN that adjoining farms or property owners who do NOT shoot get antsy.

I have friends who own a farm and they shoot on their property. The nearest house is almost a mile away, but the lady that lives there still calls the police to report "shots fired" just to be a pain in the ass. The cops always tell her to not worry about it (in other words, STFU), but it's still a hassle.

I realize we're talking hunting rifles and not necessarily target shooting, but why cave in to the anti-gun/media/hollywood stigma about supressors ("silencers"to them) being some sort of assassin's tool?

I wish the people target shooting near me all had suppressors. My neighbor likes to target shoot at night, I can't figure out why, and he definitely needs one on all his guns. His house is only about 100 yards from mine. We have very lax gun laws in my county, which I like, but target shooting at night is a nuisance. That said I would not get one for hunting.
wyoming556, 'sorry I should have qualified it by stating it's not legal in Montana and actually is pointed out as an unsafe act in Hunter Safety education classes. In fact, the school solution is not to have a loaded firearm in your vehicle.

You may LYAO, but this "idiot" (along with a multitude of others) also agrees that shooting from your truck cab, suppressor or not / legal or not), is potentially unsafe. But my main point is that those looking for reasons to criticize gunowners are always keying on unsafe acts and expressions like "shooting out of the truck" as fodder to sway the majority of people nationwide who don't usually care one way or another, but if pursuaded to view gunowners as unsafe will vote the "wrong" way when it comes to gun laws.
wyoming556, 'sorry I should have qualified it by stating it's not legal in Montana and actually is pointed out as an unsafe act in Hunter Safety education classes. In fact, the school solution is not to have a loaded firearm in your vehicle.

You may LYAO, but this "idiot" (along with a multitude of others) also agrees that shooting from your truck cab, suppressor or not / legal or not), is potentially unsafe. But my main point is that those looking for reasons to criticize gunowners are always keying on unsafe acts and expressions like "shooting out of the truck" as fodder to sway the majority of people nationwide who don't usually care one way or another, but if pursuaded to view gunowners as unsafe will vote the "wrong" way when it comes to gun laws.

And if it's not legal in MT then it shouldn't be legal anywhere else? Just keep putting your foot deeper in your mouth. You must be part of the MT hunters safety unsafe act police huh. Believe it or not some states allow you to have bullets in your clip while in the truck just not in the chamber, is that unsafe? Others allow you to hunt animals right from a vehicle or even a helicopter! More "unsafe acts" according to your narrow montucky mind. It's db's like you who think your way is the only way and everything else is just plain wrong that divide hunters. You propably don't ever have beer/alcohol in your camp or speak of things like big tits or blow jobs either as those could be conciderd unsafe acts according to you.

I feel sorry for the people dumb enough to hunt with your whiny bitch azz.

Some nice hunting rigs out there if your not afraid to shoot from a vehicle. Propably alcohol on board too. Completely unsafe. Laffin.


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I hope you understand why i don't like them and why its gathering dust.

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