Suppressor on hunting rifles

And if it's not legal in MT then it shouldn't be legal anywhere else? Just keep putting your foot deeper in your mouth. You must be part of the MT hunters safety unsafe act police huh. Believe it or not some states allow you to have bullets in your clip while in the truck just not in the chamber, is that unsafe? Others allow you to hunt animals right from a vehicle or even a helicopter! More "unsafe acts" according to your narrow montucky mind. It's db's like you who think your way is the only way and everything else is just plain wrong that divide hunters. You propably don't ever have beer/alcohol in your camp or speak of things like big tits or blow jobs either as those could be conciderd unsafe acts according to you.

I feel sorry for the people dumb enough to hunt with your whiny bitch azz.

Some nice hunting rigs out there if your not afraid to shoot from a vehicle. Propably alcohol on board too. Completely unsafe. Laffin.

All I know is when the Zombies start walking I want a Window seat for me and my AR15 on that bad boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Heck, give Harley and I seats with Bump Stocks so you two can make out in the back! John
'Again sorry my communications skills are obviously lacking, wyoming556. You totally missed my point. You don't know anything about me and have really missed the boat with your name-calling, false implications, and impression of my attitudes about hunting, alcohol, safety and likely most topics.

Back on the subject, I still don't support suppressors for use on rifles during big game hunting. However, I don't think they are a problem for shooting on the range and other target shooting.
I think most states make it illegal to discharge a firearm from a vehicle for 2 reasons. 1) On public land or roadways you are endangering others most likely by shooting from or across a PUBLIC roadway. 2) I would guess that a lot of poachers shoot from inside a vehicle to conceal their weapon.

I think if you are on private land it is fine to shoot from a vehicle as I am sure a lot of ranchers and farmers do.

By the way, I'll take Straight Arrow on a hunt with me any day! At least I know I won't get shot or have a weapon discharged inside my truck! Have fun on your "party barge" that is full of so-called "hunters". Apparently the internet makes people think they are more bad-a$$ than they really are so they think they can spew whatever they want b/c they are hiding behind a computer.
I think most states make it illegal to discharge a firearm from a vehicle for 2 reasons. 1) On public land or roadways you are endangering others most likely by shooting from or across a PUBLIC roadway. 2) I would guess that a lot of poachers shoot from inside a vehicle to conceal their weapon.

I think if you are on private land it is fine to shoot from a vehicle as I am sure a lot of ranchers and farmers do.

By the way, I'll take Straight Arrow on a hunt with me any day! At least I know I won't get shot or have a weapon discharged inside my truck! Have fun on your "party barge" that is full of so-called "hunters". Apparently the internet makes people think they are more bad-a$$ than they really are so they think they can spew whatever they want b/c they are hiding behind a computer.

I'd have no problem riding in that rig shootng hogs and coyotes with a surpressed AR. Looks like fun to me.

So now you think it's ok to break the law if you are on private land? Interesting.

You two propably deserve eachother. Just make sure you don't engage in any "unsafe acts from Hunter Safety education classes" like you just said was ok for farmers and ranchers to do from thier vehicles on private land or Straight Arrow will have you arrested.
They are legal on hunting rifles in Texas now on game animals, but I just don't see myself going through the hassle and expense to get one myself.

They've always been legal in Texas for non-game animals, and I thought they would be great for shooting a bunch of pigs with my AR-15, but even with a good supressor, it is still at least as loud as a .22 LR and that's plenty loud enough to send the pigs running for cover. They are not a "silencer" like many people call them.
You really know how to put words in other people's mouths and you obviously know people better than they know themselves through a few posts on the internet. In states where it is legal, I do feel its place would be on PRIVATE land. This is just my opinion, you don't have to get upset and throw a tantrum. Some people take dangerous weapons more seriously than others. If you have ever been around someone who has accidentally discharged a weapon you would know. But since we are more cautious than you, that makes us a safety nazi? Your logic is that of a 13 year old, and to quote above, "looks like fun to me." A lot of things look "fun", doesn't mean I am going to jeopardize any one else's safety. That is the only point I am trying to make.
Keep making yourself look like a fool.
I wish they'd make them legal in Indiana!!! I can only imagine the fun I could have sitting in my treestand waiting for a deer to show while having a silenced .22 pistol along. It'd be squirrelaggedon!

That said, what's the harm in making them legal? I see no downside to legalizing suppressors for hunting, especially in many more populated areas. Requiring them is where I'd have a problem.
Opposition to suppressors is usually more ignorance and emotion based than fact based. Fine if a guy doesn't like the way they look they are entitled to their opinion. However that does not negate the fact there is practical use for suppressors in hunting situations, and those states that allow it haven't suddenly been overrun with a bunch of poachers. Again I'm 100% in favor of using them on my predator rifles and I really wish Montana would hurry up and legalize them for said use.
Opposition to suppressors is usually more ignorance and emotion based than fact based. Fine if a guy doesn't like the way they look they are entitled to their opinion. However that does not negate the fact there is practical use for suppressors in hunting situations, and those states that allow it haven't suddenly been overrun with a bunch of poachers. Again I'm 100% in favor of using them on my predator rifles and I really wish Montana would hurry up and legalize them for said use.

I thought the weapon of choice for serious trophy poachers were wire cutters, night vision, and crossbow.
That said, what's the harm in making them legal? I see no downside to legalizing suppressors for hunting, especially in many more populated areas. Requiring them is where I'd have a problem.

I guess I fall in this camp. Legalizing suppressors isn't going to make it any easier to legally obtain them. The hoops you have to jump through to legally use one in the first place cut out 99% of folks who might be interested. They are expensive, don't help accuracy and you have the fed all over you if you do own them.

The only question I have is: if someone uses a silencer in a poaching incident now, is it a federal offense because they used a federally controlled object in the commission of a crime? I don't want to see fewer tools in FWP's toolbox when it comes to prosecuting poachers.
Ben I don't know the answer to your question, but I would hope that if someone used a suppressor to poach that the law would come down harder on them.

What I do know is that using a suppressed .22 rimfire with subsonic loads to shoot starlings and English sparrows is big fun. It is very effective. Works well on stray cats as well. ;)
Me and ole Teddy Roosevelt do have something in common, we both have suppressors. Here is his:


and here is mine:


That should blow some heads up here :D
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