Something I’ve been sitting on , but it’s public now ....

Little Big Man MT Chris

Well-known member
Jun 27, 2016
ORYGUN Coast Range
July 5th I went to pull a trail cam and scout around , drove down a small spur to explore it , at the end before I turned around I hop out for a restroom break , In the process while standing at the rig I see turkey buzzards on a wood pile , thinking it looked cool I snapped a pic
as I put my phone away , I see the whole hillside with them , now realizing something is dead I hike up to investigate, 50 some yards up the hill I discovered a fawn buck , Looking it over trying to figure out why it died thanking a cougar would’ve taken it it doesn’t appear to have been eaten by coyotes what killed this and then the sinking feeling in my stomach as in the middle of the back about an inch low or 2 low of the spine is a hole the size of a quarter, WTF I think ,

Because the animal appeared to be dead for four or five days was it really a bullet hole was it not I wasn’t sure I use my boot to flip it over couldn’t see another hole went back-and-forth in my mind im not sure if it was shot but I’m like 80% that it was shot. Walk back down to my truck start looking around I notice Some things down by the road and one of them happens to be a 308 shell casing at that point I became angry and I was pretty much 99% Positive that someone had shot a baby deer for no reason other than to just do it and so I drove to the highest point to get cell service and called the Oregon State police which is handles wildlife crimes.

I Sent all the pictures to the trooper and they use on ONX so I did all my ONX maps and pin drop the location and then one of my buddies sent me this link today and I realize that the report from the local news actually used the pictures that I had sent the state police which was kind of weird to see a pic I sent police and a map I made on my ONX used in a news report, but cats out of the bag I’ve been holding onto this information just because I didn’t want anyone to know about the stuff I found in case the police were on to them, and give them a heads up by posting something on Hunttalk the day I found it , because you never know who is privately watching, who actually isn’t a member even though those odds would be very slim , I still didn’t post anything until now , but now that they are announcing it public and looking for more information then . I’m sharing what happened to me.

Hope they solve it , And I have some other pictures but some of them are kind of nasty and other things from the area that I thought police might be interested in but I won’t post those at this time. For reason listed above. While the news report says buck deer , Most of our imaginations would go to you know your average adult male deer but no it was anything but, which really made me even more angry ,And sick to my stomach I went through a lot of different emotions waiting to talk to the trooper and show them what I found.
This is the rack if you can even call it that. Let’s hope the little guy gets justice.... his life was stolen

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