PEAX Equipment

Sleep Apnea and Hunting ?

I went and got my sleep study results. I have all the symptoms, came back as moderate OSA.

The practice I went to is a second practice for a dentist that does lots of elective surgery type stuff. They told me a CPAP wasn't gonna be a good choice for me. It was only 3500 out of pocket and 4K to insurance for them to make me a mouth guard!!

I asked to get a copy of the sleep report that I paid for. Page 2 bullet point #1 was a CPAP or oral appliance would both likely be very effective:ROFLMAO:. I sent my general practitioner a copy of the report and will meet with him next week.
Run…run away fast from that scammer IMO.
I used to snore a lot at night. My dentist told me that I was tongue tied???? I have always spoke my mind, no, not that kind of tongue tied. I had the surgery, laser, stunk like burning flesh, which it was. Now I can open my mouth and still touch my tongue to the roof of my mouth, and I don't snore any more. Not sleep apnea, I know, but it did help me in the snoring department for sure.
Used to work with a guy that had narcolepsy, didn't want to let Dennis drive. Talk about falling asleep, wham, lights out.
i was diagnosed as severe, in 380 min of sleep over 300 count of stop breathing, and lots of minutes of 80 percent 02 sat,

im on a list for a cpap, probably a year,,,,,,
the part that makes me fill lije its a scam is the year wait for a device to cure an early death swntence according to the doctor,,,
if its so bad, youd think there would be a work around for machinery
@300stw I think you are saying you are not in the US?

My sleep doctor had the machine programmed and out the door with me at the sleep study results appointment. Of course, there was no mention of how the insurance/co-pay situation would pan out.....

Amazon has a couple of Chinese (?) made units that you could on a out of pocket purchase and get going with more productive sleep.
i was diagnosed as severe, in 380 min of sleep over 300 count of stop breathing, and lots of minutes of 80 percent 02 sat,

im on a list for a cpap, probably a year,,,,,,
the part that makes me fill lije its a scam is the year wait for a device to cure an early death swntence according to the doctor,,,
if its so bad, youd think there would be a work around for machinery
I got a Rx from my dr and get all of my supplies including my machine through They have been awesome and helpful every time I have a question. Just get the results from your dr so you know what to program your machine to.
im in ne montana, for medical might as well be china
The symptoms of sleep apnea are quite distinctive, and should be asked at annual physical exams. And "sleeping every night" doesn't preclude the diagnosis.

And for sure you can order from or many others on line from Montana. So @300stw, don't wait a year; never heard of that. And you can buy using insurance. And I just checked; there are plenty of machines.
I've just been diagnosed w moderate to severe sleep apnea. I'm 47 years old, in good health and not overweight. For the last 2 years I've been snoring really bad and I can sleep 8 hrs a day and still need a mid day nap. I don't have alot of energy.
I'm on a waiting list for a cpap machine. I've researched the mouth guard option but I've heard alot of people cant tolerate the mouth guard and it can cause other problems.
I'm really nervous how being tied to a cpap machine will hinder my back country hunting trips?
Do you guys have any advice or are dealing w the same prob.
Do you know what causes your apnea? Depending on what causes it, there are different things you can try.
I flew a car battery in with me on two different hunting trips to Alaska.

it all depends on the exact situation you are in And what you are trying to accomplish.
Like mentioned earlier. I use a Rockpals battery pack to hook my Cpap up to. On a full charge it’s good for two full nights. I can run some gas in the truck to charge it up again while we are back at camp at night.
Picked up the Jackery power pack the other day and used it one night during a power outage. Looks like I’ll get three nights out of a charge. I also bought the solar panel in a package deal.
A midday nap in the aspen grove .with the sun peaking through in the high country, is a really good day!
I'm a dedicated cpap user, if it's less than 3-5 days I just go without and don't see any real difference. Apnea issues tend to be cumulative in a sense that if you sleep shitty foe years you are gonna feel like crap.
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