Seek Outside Pack Question


New member
Oct 24, 2014
Boise, ID
Hey guys,

I've been looking into different brands of packs and am really liking the looks of Seek Outside. But I haven't been able to find out what the difference is between the Unaweep 4800 and the Fortress 4800. They both have the same suspension, and looks like even the same bag?

Does anybody know what the differences are and why I should go with one over the other?
Yes, the Unaweep bag is integrated with the frame while the fortress can be detached (for loading between frame and bag). The cool thing about the Fortress is you can run it with their Merlin day pack by itself and still have a frame for hauling meat. I don't own this system but researched it heavily when I was pack shopping.
Good people over there. Don't be afraid to call. They will give you honest info about their systems.
I cannot answer the question, but can vouch for SO's great service. Shoot them an email over their website and they will call you back. I've been wearing my new Seek Outside all hiking season and can't wait to use it this hunting season.
Thanks guys! I talked with Kevin, who I think is the owner, over at Seek Outside. Seems like a great guy and graciously put up with my questions.

And yeah, the difference is the Unaweep has to be run with a bag and you pack meat either inside the bag or between the bag and the talon. The fortress you can pack between bag and frame or run just the frame as a freighter. Sounds like the fortress is the one I am more interested in.

He also told me about a bag called the goshawk which is basically a fortress 4800 with a zipper entry along with the top roll and extra compression.
I have the Revolution frame with a couple of different bags. All of the bags for the Revolution frame allow a load between the bag and frame. None of the Unaweep frame/bag combos do this. I'm sure Kevin covered this with you. They have really good customer service, and know their gear well.

A week ago, I got back from Alaska and used the revo frame with a 6300ci Fortress bag on a sheep/griz hunt. Worked very well, and handled the 132lb pack out to our departure lake with out issue. We verified the pack weight at the float plane base when we got out. It felt like 132lbs, but there is no pack that makes that feel light as a feather. I was happy with my choice, and tried several other top end packs before settling on the Seek.

I'll just say that if you like pockets, the fortress bags are not for you. They are just one giant bag with a couple of bottle pockets. The goshawk, brooks, etc have more pocket options, though none of their packs have many. This keeps the weight down and helps with durability.

Get the 2" or 4" extensions for the frame. They help a lot with big loads.

Caribou Gear

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