Sitka Pre Season Savings

School me on muzzy mule deer


Active member
Dec 29, 2019
Someone turned in a great controlled hunt muzzleloader tag for an area that is my backyard. I know the area very well. Hunt dates are November 16-30 in Idaho. I was lucky enough to be the one that picked up the tag. Only 20 total tags given out.

School me if you will, on how this hunt might differ from an October rifle tag.

Thanks in advance. Never went after mule deer this late.

Pic is of a buck I killed in 15' on the gen tag and a bruiser from a mile out we never sealed the deal on.Screenshot_2018-10-16-09-04-05~2.pngScreenshot_20200725-141702~2.png
☝ that's what i would say find does and bucks will be following. Find a good trail and one may walk right down it to you looking for does. New bucks could show up in an area over night or throughout the day travelling. Fun time of the year.