Caribou Gear Tarp

Ryan Fire - WY unit 81 deer

I know this thread hasn't been active in awhile but, just wondering if anyone can speak to the severity of this fire and how the area is recovering?
We have had tons of moisture , perhaps Buzz will chime in with some info.
I would suspect the area is recovering well but depends on the severity of the fire, how hot it burned.
This fire burned about as hot as a fire can burn, as would be expected given the drought and wind conditions that spawned it. fine ash goes down to mineral soil, I dug thru some 16-18" deep and hiked miles without passing a living tree or bush. Moisture aint gonna do squat here except cause erosion. This one is going to be a wasteland for quite some time. Even the burn from 2-3 yrs back re-burned which was a bummer as it was a "good burn" leaving a good mix of green/black behind.

Of course there are edges where this is not valid info, but the heart of this fire was brutal, best to look elsewhere in the near-medium future.

Back in the day re-seeding may have been attempted but given todays politics i doubt it.
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