WY 2020

Just visited with two guys this morning that are throwing in the towel and going home early. They said they cannot find an antelope on public in this area either. They walked 16 miles in a couple of days! Told me this morn they have found a lot of dead antelope and WY Game and Fish told them the drought is killing a lot in some areas. Hard to believe... but something unusual has happened in the area.

I saw enough on private land to not be overly concerned with it, but definitely sounds like a lean year. Makes me feel a bit better that I had to work so hard at it vs. not knowing what I'm doing. If I had more time, I absolutely would have sat on water. It was really dry on the east side of the unit where as the west seems to have plenty of water coursing through it.
Antelope is tough this year. It took me 5 days to get my buck. Normally I tag out in about 3 days when it comes to antelope. I think much of it is due to severe drought. Antelope need succulent forbs and grasses not dry stuff plus they need a lot of water. Dry vegetation has almost zero nutrition. Most of the water sources in my area that I expected to hold water were completely dry this year. I still have two doe tags to fill and holding off on them until we get some moisture. I have until December 31 to fill them and will do that locally.
Here now and it is tough. Hunters on almost every parcel of public land. Very few animals on public. Tons on private. Don’t blame them. If I was then I’d rather eat off a pivot where this is no pressure.

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