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Rogan's latest podcast with Hanes.


Active member
Aug 4, 2015
Anybody else had a chance to listen to it? I haven't listened to the whole thing but I did catch a long clip on YouTube that frankly really caused me to lose respect for Rogan and continue to lose respect for Hanes.

In a discussion about federal employees resigning because zinke wouldn't speak to them, They essentially just talk s*** for 5 minutes about the laziness and incompetence of federal employees while Hanes swoons over Zinke and Joe just goes along with it.

I was pretty disgusted by it. Only confirms to me that Hanes is a guy that i assume is pushing 50 and has spent decades hunting, yet is so lacking in knowledge of conservation, history, North American Model and everything that goes with it... seems more concerned with licking the boots of politicians, celebrities and country music singers.
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The Federal Parks committee members? Those are not federal employees, they are volunteers. Didn't CH say that Zinke had asked them to put together a list of what they had done, what they planned to do, and after he had got himself up to speed would meet with them? They refused to do so and then resigned after he didn't meet with him?

No idea what happened, but that's what was said. Not sure what you heard or saw, but I listened to the first hour while mowing on Wednesday.
You are right, that Council was made up of volunteers. But the conversation wasn't limited to that. There was plenty of chit talk against federal employees, and it didn't seem like just joking around. This was followed by CH regurgitating everything that Zinke spoon fed him, and saying "i don't know" a lot when Joe asked him about the details surrounding the monument status debate. So I'll stand by my criticism of Hanes. Maybe I would get a different impression if I listened while mowing the lawn. The drone of the mower might drown out some of CH.
IMO...Rogan is a baffoon...I seriously have no idea why certain outdoor people even talk to him. I don't even need to listen to the podcast to make this statement.
Anybody else had a chance to listen to it? I haven't listened to the whole thing but I did catch a long clip on YouTube that frankly really caused me to lose respect for Rogan and continue to lose respect for Hanes.

In a discussion about federal employees resigning because zinke wouldn't speak to them, They essentially just talk s*** for 5 minutes about the laziness and incompetence of federal employees while Hanes swoons over Zinke and Joe just goes along with it.

I was pretty disgusted by it. Only confirms to me that Hanes is a guy that i assume is pushing 50 and has spent decades hunting, yet is so lacking in knowledge of conservation, history, North American Model and everything that goes with it... seems more concerned with licking the boots of politicians, celebrities and country music singers.

I thought it was a great podcast like always with Rogan. He’s probably the biggest ambassador for hunting right now and it’s not even close. I took his comments about government employees as a joke more than a jab.
IMO...Rogan is a baffoon...I seriously have no idea why certain outdoor people even talk to him. I don't even need to listen to the podcast to make this statement.

He reaches more people in 1 episode than most hunting “celebrities” do in a year. He’s a huge proponent for hunting and has educated a ton of people that would have never been reached through regular mediums.
He reaches more people in 1 episode than most hunting “celebrities” do in a year. He’s a huge proponent for hunting and has educated a ton of people that would have never been reached through regular mediums.

Just because you reach a lot of people does not means it's a good thing.....
I think they are good ambassadors for hunting. They may not have all the same opinions that I do but they bring lots of new people to hunting which in the long run will bring more advocates to our side.

Joe has only been hunting like five years so he doesent know as much as those of us that grew up with it. Also he is rich so he doesent understand public land like those of us who that do the majority of our hunting on it. But he seams to advocate for it.
You are right, that Council was made up of volunteers. But the conversation wasn't limited to that. There was plenty of chit talk against federal employees, and it didn't seem like just joking around. This was followed by CH regurgitating everything that Zinke spoon fed him, and saying "i don't know" a lot when Joe asked him about the details surrounding the monument status debate. So I'll stand by my criticism of Hanes. Maybe I would get a different impression if I listened while mowing the lawn. The drone of the mower might drown out some of CH.

Ya, I caught that CH was vague about the details concerning Bears Ears. Not the answer I would have expected, but generally correct. I also wondered about whether or not the situation with Zinke is how he proposed or not. Also found it interesting that they both deferred to Rinella in regards to all matters concerning g public lands.

I don't understand why you got snippy at the end of your post. You volunteered that you didn't listen to the podcast, only an edited version on Youtube. I'll go back and listen to it tomorrow when I lift, but my primary question revolves around Zinke and whether or not he asked those volunteers and other groups to write up a proposal paper before he met with them, whether they did it, and if CH has his facts straight.
I really enjoy the JRE podcast for the most part, but where I took issue with this latest Cam Hanes episode was the talk about “access.” Hanes was talking like Monument Status would close off access to those lands. But “access” in the case he was referring to was potential road access, not chaining off the land and not allowing folks in. I don’t like this misleading use of the word “access.”
I have to go listen to it. Joe does bring a slightly different prospective to table. That isn’t always a negative.
I’m not a big listener of Rogan but what I have heard he’s not argumentative or confrontational to his guests regardless of their views. And he’s interviewed some doozies.
We can't all be cut from the same mold. I don't agree 100% with Cam, Joe, or even Randy. I will agree that these 3 hunters reach a multitude of people that may have other wise never hunted or were against hunting and I support that. Our common ground is hunting and we should focus on that and not argue amongst ourselves because someone doesn't fit our mold. The antihunters have enough ammo why should we give them more? As long as our "hunting spokespersons" are ethical and are growing our heritage let's back them even if we don't 100% like their "style" Thank you Randy Newberg, Joe Rogan, and Cameron Hanes for being ambassador's for hunting!
What a silly thing to pitch a fit about. OP, you certainly don't lay out an accurate representation on how that conversation went.

Don't be a sucker for all the political grandstanding.
What a silly thing to pitch a fit about. OP, you certainly don't lay out an accurate representation on how that conversation went.

Don't be a sucker for all the political grandstanding.

I don't think I'm a sucker and while I may have overblown it a bit at the initial reaction I don't think it's silly either. The fact of the matter is Cameron Hanes seems a ideal fit for someone to be on a advisory Council for this Administration. As out of his depth as everyone else.... it does bother me when someone who has such a huge platform and finds himself essentially speaking for hunters, is so poorly equipped for it. In all the many hours I've heard him on podcasts and tried my best to listen to his I've never heard him say one nuanced thing, ever.
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If you think these 2 are the only people who talk about govt employees that must on a Colorado High...carry on
If you think these 2 are the only people who talk about govt employees that must on a Colorado High...carry on

If you don't think I believe that 90% of private employees I've ever dealt with in my life have been the most useless individuals with no purpose,you must be high bub.
If you don't think I believe that 90% of private employees I've ever dealt with in my life have been the most useless individuals with no purpose,you must be high bub.
And you got my beliefs on that subject from where? Oh yes internet mind reading ...not high today ;)

Love you guy. Agree with 90% of your posts. I have worked private for most of my life. I am not useless. Worked with VA for a year. Got pissed off with their policy and hung it up. Worked in a VA clinic. 80% were great and 20% were biding their time. I love veterans, but the 20% that felt entitled were veterans and felt entitled and were milking it.

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