Rogan's latest podcast with Hanes.

Does Hanes evern do any non-guided public land hunts? I cant say I have ever seen him do anything but private or guided or both.
I listen to Rogan all the time. I dont get why the desire to chit on Cam Hanes arises with every thread mentioning him. Both he and Rogan seem like nice guys, who for the most part spread the message of hunting for food and spiritual reasons in a positive manner. Both also praise public lands. Who cares if they don’t solely hunt them.Joe spends 12 hours a week talking to all sorts of guests, from comedians to radical marxists, to Neil Degrasse Tyson, to Ben Shapiro. I have found value in it. He’s bound to say some less than ideal or uninformed things - as would anyone given the thousands of hours he spends talking.

As to the chitting on public employees. I think once someone has worked both sectors and got around, one finds the stereotypes to be far from true for the most part. If it bugs you though, I think Buzz has stated the best philosophy for dealing with this: “It comes with the territory.”
I listen to Rogan all the time. I dont get why the desire to chit on Cam Hanes arises with every thread mentioning him. Both he and Rogan seem like nice guys, who for the most part spread the message of hunting for food and spiritual reasons in a positive manner. Both also praise public lands. Who cares if they don’t solely hunt them.Joe spends 12 hours a week talking to all sorts of guests, from comedians to radical marxists, to Neil Degrasse Tyson, to Ben Shapiro. I have found value in it. He’s bound to say some less than ideal or uninformed things - as would anyone given the thousands of hours he spends talking.

No kidding. He has had flat earthers and chem trail conspirators and showed them the same level of respect and decency as he’s shown anyone else. I don’t take that to mean he’s promoting their ideas.
Does Hanes evern do any non-guided public land hunts? I cant say I have ever seen him do anything but private or guided or both.

Not many. I know under armor bought him and rogan Deseret CWMU Utah elk tags last year.

Most people would not turn down tags that they do not have to buy.

With as good of an athlete as he is, he would be an excellent public land backcountry hunter.

However, I imagine getting free hunts and gear would be a difficult thing to pass up.
If you read his book he cut his teeth backpack hunting in the eagle cap wilderness. Now days in not sure what percentage of his hunting is DIY but he is certainly qualified to talk about it.

By the way on the podcast he talked about that he is a government employee himself. (Local water department)
I listen to most of the JRE podcasts as he tends to have guest that share my similar interests; science, hunting, jiu-jitsu. I thought the Cam Hanes podcast(s) were great. Like others have said, I don't always agree with everything they (him and Rogan) say, but I think they are great ambassadors for the sport. Cam Hanes cut his teeth DIY backcountry hunting so I'm not going to be bothered that he takes a free ranch hunt that most of us would if in that position.
The only thing that will change my opinion of Cam is that if I find out he's on TRT. He seems like such a freak athlete that it seems hard to believe that he can do the things that he does. I couldn't imagine training like that and not injuring myself.
The podcast had a lot of BS in it. CH’s explanation why the UT monuments happened was simply Zinke talking points. He started using the Access argument which is the new standard line for the transfer crowd. He couldn’t answer Rogan when asked if access needed opened up for the Eagle Cap Wilderness. CH also mentioned no mining permits will ever be sold for the monument properties although it’s already happened.

I like CH but he’s not a politician.
I have mad respect for Cam as an athlete. He's inspired lots of people to get in better shape, or just get in shape period. Hunters and non-hunters. There's definite value to that. There was a time a few years ago I found him really inspirational. If you put him, Rinella, and Randy in an athletic competition, he wins hands down. Rinella has that kind of wiry cowboy tough that doesn't show a lot of muscle, but you know he's a strong MF, but he's not Cam Haines. I aspire to be the kind of athlete Rinella is. I don't have the time or the want to be Cam Haines.

I do find Cam a little bit of a meathead, if you will. He focuses so much on lifting and "Hammering" and not so much on the conservation aspect. His social media is all about running and lifting and shooting. Not so much does he use it as a platform for a discussion of conservation and ethics among other things. Not a criticism, just is what it is. The first podcast I heard him do with Rogan, Joe would ask a question about something he and Rinella talked about and you could tell Cam was a little out of his element. I liken Cam to that buddy of yours that you sit down and drink a beer with and make fart jokes and he's a warm nice guy that you value his friendship, but your buddy Rinella is the guy you sit down with and get deep with. You don't make fart jokes with Rinella.

I think most criticism of Cam and Jason Hairston is based on the fact you have two guys who could have been at the forefront of the conservation conversations several years ago but weren't and now they suddenly are. Why? And why were they chosen? The fear is they are political puppets who are happy that the new "cool guy" just threw them an attaboy and they'll tow the company line because of it.
The only thing that will change my opinion of Cam is that if I find out he's on TRT. He seems like such a freak athlete that it seems hard to believe that he can do the things that he does. I couldn't imagine training like that and not injuring myself.

Just curious. I dont think he has ever come out and said it but would honestly be surprised? And what would that do to your opinion of him? Doesnt change mine. TRT doesnt make you jump off the couch and run a marathon a day, lift weights, shoot your bow, work and still have energy for your family. If it does maybe I need to talk to my Dr about amping up my doses! Lol
Just because you reach a lot of people does not means it's a good thing.....

I have to say I disagree Joe Rogan has done a decent job in most of what I have heard. He definitely lacks in detail and fine points but his passion does come through and he is a better representative of hunting than 99% of celebrity hunters. Including Mr hanes.(who does appear to be leg humping Zinkes horse)
He is definitely preaching to an audience that likely would never think about hunting otherwise. 16 million downloads a month!

P.s. you don't have to listen to reply as I probably won't read it anyway;)
Off topic but hunttalkers will really enjoy the latest meateater podcast with Senator Heinrich who seems to disagree with chairman Bishop on a few talking points.
"Washington DC- Steven Rinella talks with Senator Martin Heinrich, along with Janis Putelis of the MeatEater crew.
Subjects Discussed: thinking long-term; the path to becoming a Senator; the politician and the elk; the Sabinoso Wilderness as a big win for hunters; what’s up with the HUNT Act; why reforming the fire budget is so damn important; stream access issues and how they affect sportsmen; why the Land and Water Conservation Fund is always imperiled, and why it shouldn’t be; what’s up with the Antiquities Act?; National Monuments; and more."
So are you guys just bitching on the internet, or are you writing Joe and asking him to get someone on that represents a more informed view?

Same with Cam?

Would love to listen to a Rogan pod cast featuring some of the HT regulars talking about these issues. You guys are more informed than 90% of the hunting world, even when you're wrong and I vociferously disagree with you. :)
I listened to it last night and definitely think Cam Hanes sounds clueless about a lot of the issues they were talking about. As was mentioned earlier, Rogan doesn't tend to press his guests on issues or disagree with them. I would bet Rinella listened to the podcast and I kept wondering what he was thinking as he listened to Hanes talk about bills, monuments, access, etc. The part where he brought up Zinke's "bill, I want to call it a bill, I'm not sure" to protect migration corridors was particularly painful to listen to.

I don't necessarily think Cam Hanes is a bad spokesman for hunting, but he sounds like a meathead when he tries talking about political issues.
So are you guys just bitching on the internet, or are you writing Joe and asking him to get someone on that represents a more informed view?

Same with Cam?

Would love to listen to a Rogan pod cast featuring some of the HT regulars talking about these issues. You guys are more informed than 90% of the hunting world, even when you're wrong and I vociferously disagree with you. :)

Surely you can't be serious....(tongue in cheek as I'm sure you get the sarcasm).
Just curious. I dont think he has ever come out and said it but would honestly be surprised? And what would that do to your opinion of him? Doesnt change mine. TRT doesnt make you jump off the couch and run a marathon a day, lift weights, shoot your bow, work and still have energy for your family. If it does maybe I need to talk to my Dr about amping up my doses! Lol
Maybe not surprised, but disappointed. It would change my opinion. I would see it as false advertising. He's an advocate for hard work, but I think it would be overwhelmingly misleading if he's using TRT. TRT can certainly give you a leg up on all the things you mention, especially on being able to recover after doing all that training and being able to train at a higher intensity. Rogan is has admitted he uses it. The optimal serum levels of testosterone to target are somewhat subjective and often dosed at higher levels. I'm a pharmacologist and a pharmacist so I'm well aware of what goes on.
To Cam's other claim about lazy public workers, I see it everyday. There are a lot of hard workers on the public dime, but many lazy ones too. Granted there are bad apples in every segment, the government does a bad job of weeding them out and firing them.

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