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Return of the yeti burners?

For those who said they were concerned. Listen. Then eat some crow.

That’s not crow.

I hope Steve is good for his word. But I never expected him to put out a public statement saying “yeah we sold out to some anti-gun lefties and now Yanni, Cal and I think you should all turn in your semi auto rifles”

So basically the statement is the only statement that could reasonably be expected to be given. But time will tell.
This is the NRA lead MO and it carried over to all things hunting and 2A. Eat your own first and worry about the facts later. The way we throw our own under the buss is total bullshit.
I'm a big fan of Steve and his media. I've seen every episode of meateater and listened to almost every single one of his podcasts. I already knew his position on the 2a because of this but his response just further drove that point home. He rarely talks about his political positions because that is not what he wants his podcast or show to be about, but he has in one episode of the podcast, that I can't remember which one at the moment, laid out a few political topics that he is very adamant about. As my memory is not exact on this, most of them were "conservative" viewpoints like being fiscally conservative, strong national defense, constitutional rights/2a, if I remember correctly. About the only "liberal" views of his that he puts out there are pro public land, and conservation/habitat/ecological, which to me isn't necessarilly "liberal". I've even heard him talk about the positive ecological work some extraction services have done in parts of the country that provide better habitat for wildlife than it was before, specifically reclaimed coal mines east of the Mississippi. He more than anything strikes me as a guy that rides right in the middle and has some ideas on each side he feels strongly about, but definitely isn't hard one way or the other.

The only issue I see with this deal, is he is effectively making money for a guy that will in turn, spend it on political action against some things he supports and many of us support. I also see/know many guys saying they have a moral high ground that wouldn't allow them to make a deal such as this, but when an actual deal comes around... the actions are quite different than the words spoken previously. It is hard for me to give a guy a hard time about doing what is best for him and his family when there isn't some kind of blatant criminal activity involved. Especially something that could increase his exposure to the anti side, that he does a much better job of shining a positive light on hunting/firearms than pretty much all the "celebrities" in the hunting world. I'm not saying its a win/win situation, but it dang sure isn't a lose/lose either.

I'll still be watching/listening.
I'm a subcontractor. I have worked for companies with owners on $fw board. I still am very vocal about my opposition to it. I made money. So did they. I work for companies whom are owned by land transfer supporters, and I'm sure some that are giving money to PETA or anti gun causes. I still do what I do. MEATEATER is Steve Rinella. I love Cal, Janis, etc, but it IS Steve. Venture capitalists worship money first. Destroying Steve, destroys the investment. As for BHA, I live in the second most radical one party state, Utah, I am constantly begging them to show up (Randy we have Dairy Queens). So I guess its what party you want them to oppose that determines their political stance. I remain a member.

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