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Return of the yeti burners?

I don't care for OBrien. He strikes me as a is a less intelligent, more arrogant, less entertaining, less interesting version of Rinella, and seems particularly fake. I do like Rinella however and his way of reaching people who are not traditionally interested in hunting is effective and unique. I was disappointed when he added OBrien to his group and hope he doesnt poison the whole well because I think Rinella does a lot of good.
I also dislike O'brien, mainly because I don't think he's a good interviewer and as HB pointed out, he sounds fake. However, I don't think this will "blow up" in anyone's faces. MeatEater appears poised to do some big things in the coming years. His brand will continue to grow even if he loses some current supporters. As for the claim the invester Peter Chernin is anti-hunting, he may very well be, but it may also just like to make money and sees a good way to do it. In the words of the EVP for the Chernin Group:

“We see a similar dynamic at play here with fishing, hunting, wild foods, and the outdoor lifestyle,” Bergsman says. “It’s a very compelling consumer category, given the scale of both enthusiasts who participate and their spending against those pursuits. When you have a foundation of 40 million people that spends an average of $2,000 a year on gear, apparel, media, travel and (hunting and fishing) licenses—that’s a pretty good place to start.” https://www.fastcompany.com/9024480...loads-with-stake-in-hunter-friendly-meateater
I don't care for OBrien. He strikes me as a is a less intelligent, more arrogant, less entertaining, less interesting version of Rinella, and seems particularly fake. I do like Rinella however and his way of reaching people who are not traditionally interested in hunting is effective and unique. I was disappointed when he added OBrien to his group and hope he doesnt poison the whole well because I think Rinella does a lot of good.

I agree with this all the way. I’m not a fan of Ben either, but I really enjoy Cal and Steve.
I really don't see how such a vocally antigun owner can't have an influence on such a gun-centric audience/show. I don't have the particulars on who Steve sold to, if he had a choice, or what stipulations may have been in the contract. Still, I don't see where Rinella has clearly articulated his stance on 2A topics, so that leaves room to interpret this negatively for Steve. Even more, if Rinella, is Hyper pro2A, his ideologies and Chernin's are so diametrically opposed, one will eventually force its way to the other. If Rinella is more inline with Chernin, this too will eventually show and I see similar tracings of Zumba coming. At the least, its very concerning to me.

As for the BHA content. I recently resigned from my involvement with them after a conversation that left no doubt that BHA has allowed the political party instead of the issues to take priority. I wish it weren't the case, but it seemed that they chose to be divisive on the issue with a fellow hunter, instead of uniting.
I really don't see how such a vocally antigun owner can't have an influence on such a gun-centric audience/show. I don't have the particulars on who Steve sold to, if he had a choice, or what stipulations may have been in the contract. Still, I don't see where Rinella has clearly articulated his stance on 2A topics, so that leaves room to interpret this negatively for Steve. Even more, if Rinella, is Hyper pro2A, his ideologies and Chernin's are so diametrically opposed, one will eventually force its way to the other. If Rinella is more inline with Chernin, this too will eventually show and I see similar tracings of Zumba coming. At the least, its very concerning to me.

As for the BHA content. I recently resigned from my involvement with them after a conversation that left no doubt that BHA has allowed the political party instead of the issues to take priority. I wish it weren't the case, but it seemed that they chose to be divisive on the issue with a fellow hunter, instead of uniting.

I wouldn’t really call meateater a gun centric show. The gun plays such a little part of any of it. They really don’t even talk about guns and shooting much in the podcast. It seems to me to be more about the animals, connection with the land, and food.
Meh, I’ll wait for something beyond guilt by association.

The Green Decoy campaign, which this article references as if it were evidence of their slanted viewpoint, showed that there are a lot of dopey suckers out there. The great “burning of the yetis” which this article also highlights, confirmed their existence further. This article is yet another signal that they’re still out there, and some of them can read.

Nothing more.
They are refrencing the Green Decoy campaign, which causes the article to lose all credibility with me. Like has been said, the podcast is more about wildlife, conservation, and experiences than rifles and 2nd amendment. Steve does a good job of giving all sides and political affiliations a voice in the guests he has on. The whole Yeti thing was a complete joke as well. I am not a huge O Brien fan but it is ridiculous to expect every brand that sells something affiliated with hunting to pledge total allegiance to the NRA. Particularly when the NRA consistently comes out on the wrong side of public land and conservation issues. The NRA acted like a jilted teenage girl with that one. If they are really as almighty as they think they are then they would have just shrugged it off.

I for one will keep enjoying the Meateater podcast-entertaining show with great guests and factual information
The article contains all the buzz words for the extreme right to hate. Yeti, BHA, Land, Democrat, left wing, anti gun, Tester, Green Decoy, Obama, radical environmentalist, and gun control.

To bad the author didn’t work in the word Clinton, Pelosi and Nike.
The Federalist just served up a home run pitch to Meateater. They will have a heyday with this.

Sad when promoting hunting for food and public lands puts you in the crosshairs.
The Federalist just served up a home run pitch to Meateater. They will have a heyday with this.

Sad when promoting hunting for food and public lands puts you in the crosshairs.

How so?

I don’t think it was the promotion of hunting that got them in the crosshairs. It was the anti gun puppet master controlling a majority share.
In my experience, folks will show you who they are. I have nothing but respect for Mr. Rinella, Mr. Cal and Mr. Putelis. I remember my dad saying that you can tell who someone is by their actions. Steve has used his platform to bring light to MANY conservation issues that others haven't. He has used his platform to bring groups such as the Sportsman Alliance, to light. Generated membership drives for NWTF and other orgs that put conservation on the ground. He also didn't shy away from commenting back to the reporters questions of his stance on gun rights and the 2a. He also stuck to his guns (see what I did there?) on his view of using certain firearms and so on. Reckon we will see moving forward; I for one hope Steve keeps doing what he is doing.
The Federalist is just HuffPo with a Don't Tread on Me sticker on their laptop, they all only care about likes, clicks and shares....
How so?

I don’t think it was the promotion of hunting that got them in the crosshairs. It was the anti gun puppet master controlling a majority share.

i agree, while the article has its flaws the question still stands regarding the 2A. There is a definite trend especially within the social media "ambassadors" that are left leaning. Thats what kills me about some of these politicians that our hunting groups parade around as champions of public lands; Tester for an example has a horrid voting record, he toes the party line while trying to act like he's a maverick but his voting record speaks otherwise. I don't know the answer to some of these issues but it bothers me when some of these groups like BHA go all in for a candidate and he's good on one thing but follows lock step with ole chuck schumer on everything else
As for the claim the investor Peter Chernin is anti-hunting, he may very well be, but it may also just like to make money and sees a good way to do it. In the words of the EVP for the Chernin Group:

“We see a similar dynamic at play here with fishing, hunting, wild foods, and the outdoor lifestyle,” Bergsman says. “It’s a very compelling consumer category, given the scale of both enthusiasts who participate and their spending against those pursuits. When you have a foundation of 40 million people that spends an average of $2,000 a year on gear, apparel, media, travel and (hunting and fishing) licenses—that’s a pretty good place to start.” https://www.fastcompany.com/9024480...loads-with-stake-in-hunter-friendly-meateater

Some people need to read this like 10, 15 maybe 20 times and look up what Venture Capital means.