Republican or democrat?

I believe most people think of political parties as a team, they are on one team so they hate the other team. I guess I am not a team player. I disagree with so many things that each party supports that I cannot blindly follow either one. I think we need to do away with parties and just vote for the individual. I would also support a one term limit for congress and the president, that way no one would have seniority, they would all be equal.
I'll never vote for someone who wants crossbows during archery season.

They are allowed in NC now. I don't see them as being much different than a compound bow, but I will never use a crossbow. I really think we need a primitive weapons bow season where compounds or crossbows are not allowed, and a muzzleloader season where modern muzzleloaders are not allowed. Also maybe a short season where only flintlocks are allowed. In NC most shots are close and we only have deer and smaller game, so I see no problem with it here.
I am a fiscal conservative. I consider myself Libertarian. Leave me and my family alone. This is a utopian viewpoint, and I know it would never happen.

Unfortunately, govt representatives think they need to justify their jobs by keep coming up with sh!t to make into law.

Both parties can't help themselves. When parties have super majorities, they continually step on their d!cks. (Whether it be national or state). Look at when GW had a Republican congress, they managed to expand govt and spend money like drunken sailors. When Obama took office, he had a DEM congress. They took the spending habits of GW and tripled down, spending so much they actually insult drunken sailors.

When I look at state govt and see the intiatives by the R's by MT, WYO and my home state ND, sometimes I shake my head. The states may be doing well fiscally, (and kudos to them for keeping spending in line) but as I said before, they conitinually come up with legislation that increases the inleaving of govt into our everyday lives. (Here in ND, they came up with a bill to force couples who are thinking about divorce to be mandated to particpate in counciling before they can divorce. Luckily this bill has died. I have never been divorced and will be married 20 years on 2/27, but this is unecessary roll for govt) Don't they get the hipocrasy?

No party has a monopoly on stupidity.

I have become pro grid lock. With feuding factions, no side can do anything drastic or earth shattering. Neither party can be be trusted. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Ayn Rand

For centuries, the battle of morality was fought between those who claimed that your life belongs to God and those who claimed that it belongs to your neighbors--between those who preached that the good is self-sacrifice for the sake of ghosts in heaven and those who preached that the good is self-sacrifice for the sake of incompetents on earth. And no one came to say that your life belongs to you and that the good is to live it.
I use to just vote republican no more I look at how they vote on sportsmans issues on the state level. On the national level. I would never vote for a Dem. He's not my king.
Term Limits! Make them represent us (the people) and do some good for the short time they are allowed to be there rather than focussing on special interests who can get them money for their re-election campaign.
Term Limits! Make them represent us (the people) and do some good for the short time they are allowed to be there rather than focussing on special interests who can get them money for their re-election campaign.

Term limits are what caused the MT Legislature to be the cluster #$%* that it is.
Term limits are what caused the MT Legislature to be the cluster #$%* that it is.

I agree, term limits has given more power to the Bureaucrats and now the inmates are running the asylum. All the institutional memory and scars from previous battles have been forgotten.

The ballot box should be the term limit device we use.

It also gives lobbyists more power to push small minded legislation that ultimately hurts Montanans.

Want to know who runs the Legislature? Find the biggest reception with the open bar.
I think a case could be made for a system of electing our leaders much the same way we get picked for jury duty, when your number comes up you serve and go home..
What this guy said.

No affiliation. It sucks sometimes during the primary elections.

I try to evaluate each canidate independently and vote based on who is closest to my thoughts on certain issues.

I truly believe party based voting is one of the biggest problems with America.
I look at abortion issues, gay marriages, gun rights, personal liberties, taxes, and health care issues to name a few, before looking at sportsman issues. Generally the Republican and Libertarians are closest to my views. One thing that is for sure....I'm sure glad we have limited government. I tend to lean toward things that take and/or limit powers from government agencies. I feel the squeeze of taxes.
I no longer look at Republican or Democrat... They BOTH suck!

It is solely the lesser of two evils. Repubs and Dems going extreme opposite on anything and everything is getting absolutely stupid/ridiculous!
One says high - the other says low. One says right - the other says left. Hell, it is simply pathetic!

Just fed up with both parties and there ae no viable 3rd parties. Media that used to pride itself on objective journalism or at least tried and frowned on sensationalized tabloid reporting - has turned to the network overtly defined by political party.

What to say... Heh! God, I down right love America! Politicians would be well advised to reflect on where their allegiance rests! Their corrupt, self serving lobbiests? Or America... It is freekin practically illegal to call a criminal alien... illegal???

Heh! I lean conservative though repubs need to pull their heads out of their corp lobiest's arse and dems? Well they need to stop envisioning Canada, U.K. and Australia as "America"...

In the end - this rant makes no difference in the grand scheme of life. Just another proud American frustrated with those whom we elect into office.
haha! /Rant off.
I'll never vote for someone who wants crossbows during archery season.

This is how you define "single issue voter."

Do we really believe that that party that is pushing back against gun control, trying to limit government, and standing up for our personal freedoms is anti public land hunter. I have heard over and over again on this site how republicans are only out to protect themselves and their "rich landowner friends." Based on the republican legislators that I have gotten to know, I find this characterization blatantly false. I'm not saying their aren't some R's that don't have our best interests in mind, but the stereotype is bogus.

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