Re-verify Broadhead Tune Mid-Season?

Mar 12, 2019
Just wondering if anyone else here is paranoid like I am. I've been hiking around and hunting since I verified my broadheads fly correctly (about a month ago) and the bow has taken a few knocks. Since I suck, I still have two tags to fill in the next few weeks.

I practice with field points throughout the season (3-D range to build/maintain confidence) and those still fly awesome. I've probably shot close to 200ish arrows since I last verified my broadheads. Some of my practice arrows (with field points) have gotten banged up (fletchings torn, no longer spin true, etc). and still fly great to 70+ yards.

I'm wondering if it's worth it to re-verify broadhead flight mid-season (I would have to make a day out of it since the nearest range that allows broadheads is almost an hour away) or if I should just assume that things are still good to go. For those of you that fly to your hunting destination (where the bow got banged up in transit) do you shoot a broadhead in camp? Basically I'm wondering if any de-tuning would be caught by a field point arrow (especially beat up ones) or if I should re-shoot my broadheads.

Thanks in advance.
I would say if ya have a practice broadhead it doesn’t hurt a thing to re verify. It’ll ease your mind and won’t have to wonder
I'm with Golfer on this. Confidence is critical in bow hunting, so if you aren't confident, re-checking things won't hurt. If you're going to be out in the field anyway, why not just take a target with you to save you the trip to the range?

If your field points are still flying the same out to 70 yards, your tune is probably fine but there's only one way to know for sure.
If you’re worried about it go do it. Makes no diff if 100 strangers on the inter web tell you it’s fine but it’s still eroding your confidence.

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