Proposal to eliminate non-resident sheep tags in New Mexico

Right, but they live there and contribute time, attend meetings, etc.

They don't swirl in with $3k, once in their life, and pretend they saved wild sheep and new Mexico residents a favor.
I understand that 100% was just highlighting the fact that by you just saying NR contribute the tag price then they are actually doing more. You and I both know not all NR do but a lot of us spend a lot in a state beside just th3 license fee.

If I drew a sheep tag (never will no desire to hunt them) I would devote the entire season to the tag and be "living" in that state for the duration of the tag.

Not having nr access to another states 50 sheep tags is not putting the NAM on life support....if only obviously.

You want to see what is, attend the sheep show in Reno.

That’s a game of “whataboutism” I’m not really interested in playing. Hunting big game anywhere but your own state is going to be very very difficult ($$$) soon.

You know the old saying- you are going to run out of money before you run out of time:)
I understand that 100% was just highlighting the fact that by you just saying NR contribute the tag price then they are actually doing more. You and I both know not all NR do but a lot of us spend a lot in a state beside just th3 license fee.

If I drew a sheep tag (never will no desire to hunt them) I would devote the entire season to the tag and be "living" in that state for the duration of the tag.

Awesome! Try living in a state your entire life, like my grandfather did in Montana, and never drawing a sheep or moose tag.

Glad you're so willing to live for an entire hunting season in another state when you take a tag from residents that will live there for a lifetime and never get the chance.

Such a Nobel gesture.
I have stated before that every hunter in the nation has the option to move to states that give them more resident hunting opportunity
Thia is imo the dumbest argument nowadays on this topic. People WILL and ARE moving to other states bringing their political ideas with them too, just look at CO. And this creates a bigger problem and drain on species that are OTC to residents of the state.
That’s a game of “whataboutism” I’m not really interested in playing. Hunting big game anywhere but your own state is going to be very very difficult ($$$) soon.

You know the old saying- you are going to run out of money before you run out of time:)
There's no what about anything...I pointed out the exact problem and what's causing your fretting about the NAM...

50 sheep tags reserved for residents is giving access and a dream perhaps turning into a reality, for nearly every resident in that state who is otherwise being crushed by the fat wallets, ostrich cowboy boots, and neckties of those cruising the sheep show.
Ok Buzz.

Not sure where anything was mentioned about a sheep show before you used it to reframe, nor do I have the time or energy to continue discussing it on a beautiful morning like this.

I’m going for a walk in the woods. You go get ‘em, I expect your online internet argument record to remained undefeated when I get back;)
Awesome! Try living in a state your entire life, like my grandfather did in Montana, and never drawing a sheep or moose tag.

Glad you're so willing to live for an entire hunting season in another state when you take a tag from residents that will live there for a lifetime and never get the chance.

Such a Nobel gesture.
Wasn't making any gesture at all simply stating saying NR who draw a tag are only worth what the tag price is poor argument.

Also you seemed happy to take my money and countless other NR's for the corner defence fund in WY. Can only assume this was bc it will benefit you the most as a resident who can get OTC tags in the area that case is in question?

You do a ton of great things to help all hunters and I personally appreciate the help you gave me with the couple questions I asked you but than make posts like this where if it's not benefitting you or someone close to you screw everyone else.
Thia is imo the dumbest argument nowadays on this topic. People WILL and ARE moving to other states bringing their political ideas with them too, just look at CO. And this creates a bigger problem and drain on species that are OTC to residents of the state.
Classy response, but you didn’t explain what is preventing you or other NRs from moving to another state that provides you more of the hunting opportunities you desire.

I am not a fan of the politics in CO, but have a wide variety of public land hunting opportunities here every fall. When I don’t, I will move to another state that provides them to me. Easy solution. Hunting public land and having lots of opportunity to do so is important to me. I don’t complain, just do what needs to be done to pursue my passion.
Wasn't making any gesture at all simply stating saying NR who draw a tag are only worth what the tag price is poor argument.

Also you seemed happy to take my money and countless other NR's for the corner defence fund in WY. Can only assume this was bc it will benefit you the most as a resident who can get OTC tags in the area that case is in question?

You do a ton of great things to help all hunters and I personally appreciate the help you gave me with the couple questions I asked you but than make posts like this where if it's not benefitting you or someone close to you screw everyone else.
I have nothing to gain personally from that corner crossing case, I don't apply there and my general elk tag isn't valid in that unit. Closest I've ever hunted to that unit is maybe 25 air miles away.

What that case is costing me is a price you aren't willing to pay. There's about a dozen Wyoming residents putting a lot on the line with this case. I don't believe I'll take a lecture from you today...or any other day for that matter, on who is doing what and the prices being paid. Or on what you feel you're entitled to as a nr in 49 states regarding their wildlife resources. I don't tell you or anyone else in Wisconsin how to distribute or manage your wildlife, I expect the same from you.

What corner crossing will benefit is public access to 1.6 million acres in 22 states and not just access for hunting and fishing. Access for 330 million Americans to their shared public lands.

Btw, you do remember the 4 hunters are not from Wyoming, correct?
You do a ton of great things to help all hunters and I personally appreciate the help you gave me with the couple questions I asked you but than make posts like this where if it's not benefitting you or someone close to you screw everyone else.
How is NM reserving all bighorn tags for residents going to help Buzz? Seems on this point, each state's ability to regulate tags however they like, he's damn consistent.
but you didn’t explain what is preventing you or other NRs from moving to another state that provides you more of the hunting opportunities you desire.
Because I didn't have to there is ABSOLUTELY nothing stopping me or anyone. And many are taking advantage of it. In 5 years when all OTC opportunities for residents are gone who are you going to blame?
I don't believe I'll take a lecture from you today...or any other day for that matter, on who is doing what.
I wouldn't expect you to, you do a ton and if you recall I sent you a message thanking you for everything. And i voluntarily sent my $$ and will again i think its a great cause and am very thankful for yourself and the others doing the physicla work. I cant so my $ is all i can help with, although it isnt much. You have made me want to be more involved. Was stating it seems like things are getting cherry picked on what NR can fight for and not.

Or on what you feel you're entitled to as a nr
I am entitle to NOTHING and know that 100%
Because I didn't have to there is ABSOLUTELY nothing stopping me or anyone. And many are taking advantage of it. In 5 years when all OTC opportunities for residents are gone who are you going to blame?
It doesn't mean enough for 99.9% of the hunters to sacrifice anything more than a reasonable nr tag fee, let alone build a life around quality resident hunting and what it takes to do so.

Just a fact.
Right, but they live there and contribute time, attend meetings, etc.

They don't swirl in with $3k, once in their life, and pretend they saved wild sheep and did new Mexico residents a favor.
I agree that it is more than just direct license sales. What percentage of those residents actually contribute time and attend meetings? They are likely a very active minority, just like other western states.

So there are zero wildlife conservation organizations conducting projects that benefit sheep in NM which are partially funded by non-resident hunters? I find that hard to believe, particularly by the WSF response. But I guess it is possible.

Clearly residents should have a significant advantage in the draw, but I still believe it is reasonable to maintain some portion of opportunity for NRs. Race to zero doesn’t benefit hunters overall.
I wouldn't expect you to, you do a ton and if you recall I sent you a message thanking you for everything. And i voluntarily sent my $$ and will again i think its a great cause and am very thankful for yourself and the others doing the physicla work. I cant so my $ is all i can help with, although it isnt much. You have made me want to be more involved. Was stating it seems like things are getting cherry picked on what NR can fight for and not.

I am entitle to NOTHING and know that 100%
I'm not cherry picking anything, I'd battle corner crossing even if it was simply to hike or birdwatch.

Public land access is important to me wayyyy above and beyond my ability to hunt or fish it.
I think a much better proposal would be to eliminate the outfitter draw for sheep and reduce NR tags to 10%, which would drop them from 7 to 5, and be in line with other states.
Yes...exactly what I was thinking but I would shoot for "up to 10%" and allow residents to apply in both the resident and non resident draws with appropriate fees for both.
This ongoing pathway to License Plate Tribalism is a mistake.

The "resident children" line is a red herring spoken to draw an emotional response with the idea that it is irrefutable, as it's "for the kids." This is flawed logic.

My child has a much better chance of growing up as a hunter, learning new areas, and gaining an overall love of our sport with the ability to participate in several Western states, and I'm okay with my state reciprocating.

Adding a relative few NR tags back into the R pool will make no appreciable difference in our hunting opportunity; but if I no longer have the ability to take my daughter deer or bear hunting in Idaho, Barbary hunting in NM, elk hunting in Montana, and antelope hunting in WY, I have made a gigantic impact on my ability to raise her as a hunter.

The negative impact of all Western states cutting off NR hunting, which is the logical conclusion of the path some people are proposing, far outweighs the positive impact of Utah adding a few tags back into the R pool.

This is an imbecilic idea that needs to die a quick death.
Awesome! Try living in a state your entire life, like my grandfather did in Montana, and never drawing a sheep or moose tag.

Glad you're so willing to live for an entire hunting season in another state when you take a tag from residents that will live there for a lifetime and never get the chance.

Such a Nobel gesture.


He never deserved the tag, no one does. Should have applied in other states before you started your campaign to end opportunities.
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