Problem after problem

old man

Active member
Aug 14, 2011
shelton CT.
I actually made it all the way to Co. without a hitch. problems started right then and there. Realized i was a lot farther away from my hunting area partially because the garmain car GPS is almost worthless and because the area is so desolate. It took another half a day to get to my destination. the next problem an almost flat tire that i had to drive 50 miles to get fixed because i couldn't find the tire iron until two days later. next i purposely waited to get a hair cut out there because i knew they needed the money out there more than here, but that will never happen again. drove 50 miles each time to this barber and three times he was closed. (3 days a week) this guy has bankers hours!!! finally got a hair cut at the college for 5$. next problem, where the hell are all the antelope, seeing 0ne small group on average per day+ always on private land. the locals kept telling me the antelope are all over the place. i finally realized they where right, 1 here 2 five miles from there 2more 1 mile from there. also these goats are very ski-dish,they don't stand around like Wyo. goats. as soon as they hear your car they are on the run. next because the area i had to hunt was so flat and wide open i knew i would have to make a long shot. so since most of our ranges are only a hundred yards i would have to site in at least 200 hundred out there, so bought a target holder at Walmart before i left. well when i went to use it i find out all the parts aren't there. Well at least i knew where their was another Walmart ,so i went and exchanged it. but now i had to drive that 50 miles again to get to the range witch i never got to do. One day that i was in town i noticed a Co. parks and wildlife office, so i stopped in to find our where there might be an antelope that i can harvest. so they gave me the number of the warden in the area i was hunting. he wasn't available when i called so i thought since i was headed that way at this time he would meet me and help me out. well that didn't happen. he called me back and gave me a hell of a lot of info that i had to keep in my head ( and that is hard for me to do)since i didn't have anything to write with at the time. Turns out didn't really need the info because i was able to cover at least a half of all public land in a day so covered it all at leased 3 times and only saw one Buck on public land. the good part was he was i good buck. Saw him on the fifth evening, so of course planned on being there before him the next evening. Well i am glassing another area the next day and this truck pulls up and says Warren, i say yes how did you know my name he should have said (because there is any other dumb asses out here from CT.) but of course he was more polite than that and said he was the warden that i had talked to earlier. then he says i thought i should catch up with you since you are from CT, do you have a scope on you muzzle loader? Yes, i geuse you didn't reed the laws yet. so he makes me reed them and of course i couldn't use sabots either. so i think it over and tell him no i am not going to go thru all that for a goat that i already have one on the wall. so i ask him about fishing and he telles me the crappi bite is on not to far from here. then he tells me to stop in at big r's and pick up some crappie bite in white . we talk a little more and makes sure i still have his # and he is on his way. so i go looking for this big r and i don't see it yet so i punch it into my stupid Garmin and it says the nearest one is 157 miles away Huuu then i see it right up the street, but do they have what i want? hell no, no crappie bait or power belts if i wanted them. So now do i just say screw it and come home (already put on 700 miles just riding back and forth to town and looking for goats) But i knew from the begining this was going to be a tough hunt and i promised myself i would give it my all .So i drove that fifty miles again to Walmart's to buy power belts so i can go after that goat. But did they have them,hell no and know crappie bait ether. finally found a sporting store that should have what i want but he is out to lunch will be back in 1 1/2 hrs from now. so i waste the rest of the day waiting for him to open and yes he takes my scope off for me and sells me some high plains maxi balls. now i have to re sight in my riffle with the open sites. so i go back to my hunting area and go to set up my targets and can't find my target holder even after i completely empty out my truck. (still haven't found it) I know it was there at one time because i did find a peace of it in the truck. so not giving up yet. stick my target on cactus like plant and shoot at about 40 yards, no hit, 30yards,no hit,what the hell. 20yards hit ha finally. but wind is picking up, never got it sighted in before plant wouldn't hold target any longer.had enough,going home. drive about 20 miles and say to myself not yet warren we will find another way to hold the target, but at that time i had to take my restless leg pills and realized i didn't have enough to get me home and i would have to get to a VA hospital soon so that took care of that hunt.
stand up comedy material right there. Some guy prefer to suffer and do all they can in waking hours to ensure it happens.
That's quite a trip. Glad you are keeping Murphy busy while the rest of us go hunt.
You and Lamb should team up :cool:
I'm sorry but your problems seem to be from not being prepared in the least. carry on

But Mousie, thou art no thy-lane,
In proving foresight may be vain:
The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men
Gang aft agley,
An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain,
For promis’d joy

-Robert Burns

; )
Like Randy said, keep after it. But maybe think about looking into the finer details of the hunting laws next time.I hope I’m still grinding away at it when I’m your age.
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