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Preference points.... who woulda thought?


Active member
Jun 14, 2017
First post here guys. I have to say, this is probably the best forum I've been a part of.

I'm from Kansas and have hunted whitetail all my life and that's about all I knew. A while back I thought how great it would to hunt out west. I remember reading about this preference point system. I was told to do research on units, draw odds, etc. I remember being so overwhelmed I just gave up as I never knew anything about them. It seems like every summer I would get excited about planning a trip out west and my dreams would crash after trying to research the point system and units. Silly, I know.

Well 2 years ago my father approached me and said, "try to find an antelope or bear hunt we can go on this year." With it already being June I was worried it would be too late to find a hunt that fall. I ended up finding a great outfit in Douglas for a DIY antelope hunt on a huge private ranch. After going 2 years in a row, having an absolute blast, seeing more antelope than you can shake a stick at and shooting some great goats, I knew this was something I wanted to try to do as often as possible but didn't want to pay the "Outfitter Fee"

So here I was again, researching the point system..... then it all clicked! I'm actually a little embarrassed it took so long but I think I have a pretty good grasp on things now. This site has been so informative and helpful. I'm going to start racking up points like crazy now!

I just wanted to share my experience and I look forward to more great information from this site.

Thanks everyone!
Welcome. Glad you are figuring it out. I am too, but now have goals and a plan for building points, future hunts, etc... There are great resources on this forum.
Welcome to the forum. You're right it can be a daunting task to understand bonus point systems of various states.
I went through the same thing, after a million questions and more hours staring at a computer than I'd like to admit, it finally clicked.
The problem is that points are worth less with each passing year. Essentially, the system doesn't work because their is a higher demand for quality hunts than the West can provide. Many of us who have been in points for a while, are cashing in. I can't complain. I've been able to go on a few good hunts over the years.
If there was not more demand than tags available we wouldn't need a bonus point system at all, so the bonus point system is working just the way it's supposed to. Bonus points were nevr meant to guarantee you a tag, just a little extra "bonus" chance.
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Welcome! Half the 'fun' is figuring out points. Takes time but I like to think it'll eventually be worth it!
No sense worrying about point creep, draw odds, and any thing else we can't control.
It seemed over whelming to me years ago also. Just pick a state ,or two, or three, and buy points for what ever you want to hunt every year.
How ever many points you have at the time you're ready to apply will tell you where you can hunt. It can be as simple or as hard as we make it. Depending on our goals for the hunt.

Good luck and welcome!
If there was not more demand than tags available we wouldn't need a bonus point system at all, so the bonus point system is working just the way it's supposed to. Bonus points were nevr meant to guarantee you a tag, just a little extra "bonus" chance.

Nevada works fairly well. Several other states work for about ten years, then it has to be blown up and something new installed. Better than nothing, but not what many of us thought of the systems 15 or so years ago.