Pics from the trap line

A wolf in a trap is on a completely different level then a cat when it comes to the PETA crowd, add in some blood soaked snow and it's worlds apart from from the live bobcat posted.

It's pathetic and sickening we have tip toe around for fear of offending. I think it actually hurts our cause when we try to hide things rather then be proud and post, including trapping. So long as it is done tastefully, post all the pics you have! Love the cat pics!
Great pictures...I enjoyed them! Keep posting, this is a hunting site after all! If people get offended, O-well, they can go elsewhere. Anyway, your pictures were well done. If someone gets butt-hurt over them and not all the dead animals on this site, half of which look like they were butchered by a blind person, then thay are only here to cause problems! Kuddo's for the time spent with your daughter also.
Great Job! Those cats are nice looking animals. Taking a kid along on the traplne makes every catch better for some reason.The catch pics look fine to me.Most people think a trap injures the animal when in reality if it is swiveld good were the animal ant get tangled or wrapped up it does nothing more than just hold the animal.They dont fight the trap for hours after being caught like most belive.
You mentioned that you released that small female. so here's the question...How did you do that without getting a face full of feline?

You just pet them between the ears until they roll over on their back....

No just kidding. I use a release pole which is just a 4' piece of 1/2" pipe that has a loop at one end that I can tighten up to hold the cat. Then I just stretch them out and release the trap. Actually pretty easy after you have done a few.
Pics are fine by me. Solid story about being out and about with your daughter. Thanks.
Impressive. Even more so considering you have your daughter along. Wish I would have learned the ins and outs of trapping many moons ago.
I don't find the pics to be offensive at all, but someday when you wake up and find trapping has been banned across the US, you can blame yourself.
I don't find the pics to be offensive at all, but someday when you wake up and find trapping has been banned across the US, you can blame yourself.

What a crock. There is nothing wrong with any of those pictures. If anything they show that trapping is nothing like the antis pretend to portray it as.
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Unfortunately, I think we all know "that guy" that gives all trappers a bad name. The only way to keep this in check is to self regulate and if we see things happening in the field that are not right, bring it to light so it can be resolved.
What a crock. There is nothing wrong with any of those pictures. If anything they show that trapping is nothing like the antis pretend to portray it as.

I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.

I believe there are some things the general public will never understand, no matter how you explain it. I believe trapping is one of those things, and as such, should not be photographed and posted on the web.

If you don't believe me, print those photographs and ask the first 50 people you meet on the street what they see in the photos. 49 of them will say they see an animal suffering in a trap.

Several states have illustrated the future of trapping can quickly end with negative publicity and a ballot initiative. This is when trappers should be treading lightly.
Belly deep how do you feel about talking about wolf hunting or hunting bears over bait or any number of things that the general public may not understand? Should we just hide from these topics also?
I think those were the most tasteful trapping pictures I have ever seen. The "anti's" would STILL have a problem if that cat were trapped in box trap completely unharmed. I think this post shows a good side to trapping. Keep'em coming. Otherwise it's only a matter of time before we can't post our "after-the-kill" pics online for fear of offending SOMEONE out there. Society is circling the drain, people think they need to have an opinion on everything even if it does to interfere in their life whatsoever.
Belly deep how do you feel about talking about wolf hunting or hunting bears over bait or any number of things that the general public may not understand? Should we just hide from these topics also?

There is a huge difference between talking about it and depicting it in photographs.

I think discussing it is fine. Pictures are more visceral.

If you don't believe me, print the photos and ask random people what they think. And remember, the future of trapping is very uncertain. It is also in the hands of the general public.

I'm not saying we should shamefully lurk in the shadows, but a little discretion goes a long way.

I don't think a "screw what they think I'll do what I want" attitude is going to get trappers anywhere. It will get trapping banned very quickly if photos of animals in traps keep popping up on the internet and sparking debate.
Of all the pictures out there on the web regarding trapped animals, these are pretty good ones for sure. Well done on the successful line and awesome to see the experience shared. Unfortunately, no matter how calm a trapped animal is, animal rights groups are going to object to the practice (and to hunting too). Go to a Footloose meeting and even the thought of traps scares them. Not saying we need to bow down to the public perception of what "offends" someone, but its a crazy world when it comes to the social media snowball effect. The Wyoming trapper here, had to delete his facebook account because of all the heat he was taking. I know its a Missoula article, but comments on this article alone point out how precarious trapping is these days, but I hope in UT there is a ton of support!
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