Pics from the trap line


Well-known member
May 12, 2009
Here are a few pics from my trap line this year. My youngest daughter loves going trapping with dad. I hope she never grows out of that.


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I removed the pics of the animals still in the traps. I didn't think there was anything wrong with them, But I would hate to hurt anyone's feelers.

p.s. Your link doesn't work. I have posted similar pics in the past with nothing said. I would like to know what the guy posted, And what do you mean it "didn't go so well for him"?
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elkantlers i saw them and liked them all! I think ID was just trying to save you some grief from the less enlightened. Good for you getting your girls out there.

Nice cats by the way, congrats!
That's a good looking bobcat, it's been a long time since I've seen one around here. Good job on the daddy-daughter time, they grow up too fast.
I will think about it over night and maybe post them back up tomorrow. On one hand I want to say screw the people that don't like it. All the pictures were ( I think )very nice and all animals were 100% legally caught. On the other hand, I really don't want to offened anyone.
I edited the post, hopefully the link works now.

The only thing I was trying to point out was that like the others have said...he got an extreme amount of blow back from others regarding his picture. "Others" meaning...those Ms. Thomas types. Doesn't take much to get them riled up, I'm sure they troll these sights night and day looking for fuel for the fire.
Very cool, even better to have your daughter along. I hope someday I can have my own line and have my kids tag along.
Great photos and what a way to enjoy time with the kids! Keep up the good work.
Very nice! I should have given trapping a go while I lived in UT. What part of the state did that one come from?
Great pics and great to have your daughter along.

I think pics with animals in traps are fine, the problem with that one from almost a year ago that the guy from Idaho posted up was the animal somehow was cut and bled in the snow in the trap circle.

I think pictures showing a proper foot hold on a trapped animal are perfectly acceptable and even should be promoted.

With that said I don't even see a trap in that first picture. Was that a release?
I know nothing about trapping but aren't they all alive when you trap them? I mean I could see if you didn't check them for days on end
I agree that the picture of the wolf is a little graphic and the guy was asking for trouble. He also did nothing wrong and it sounds like someone else shot the wolf while in the trap which is illegal.

In my first post, the first picture is of a cat I released. It was a small female that need to grow up and have babies. I like that picture because it shows that foot hold traps are not going to injure animals and can be used as a management tool. The Anti's would have you believe that foothold traps break bones and kill animals, which is not true. I use offset jaws that I laminate and put lots of swivels on the chain. All this is to keep the animals I catch comfortable in the trap.

Here are some ofthe pics I removed last night. If anyone has a problem with them, let me know and I will remove them.


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Most of the time pictures of animals from a well run trap line are amazingly different from what folks would have you imagining. Just like your release of the small female who looks none the worse for wear after spending some time in the trap. I really like that picture of the cat just chilling out with one paw over the log with the other in the trap.

I'm pretty sure my first and only bobcat that I trapped was asleep when I was walking up to the trap and I woke it up as I got close.

A far cry from the terrible pain and suffering from those terrible "leg" hold traps that could rip small children apart if they ever stepped in one that you hear promoted by the antis.
You know, if it offends them they do have the option of not viewing the thread. Thanks for posting the pictures!

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