Palisades or Lemhi


May 29, 2017
Eau Claire, WI
I am in a tough place and need some advice. My buddy and I had a plan to elk hunt every other year. This year being an other as last year we hunted MT. Now my GF tells me we should go elk hunting because she has a week+ off in September and I have vacation to burn. Can you believe the audacity of her telling me to go elk hunting so she can come along to hike and camp? Unbelievable! But being the great guy I am I am going to oblige. The problem is where. My buddy and I hunted the Lemhi zone in 2017 and saw decent numbers but we didn't connect. I wouldn't mind going back but Palisades caught my eye too. Anyone with experience care to compare and contrast the two zones? Probably gonna get railroaded on this with people giving "great" advice but thought I would ask anyway. Just getting started with my research so looking for any thoughts or tips. Thanks.
Ok here my 2 cents I say that a lot lol cause advice is advice
Go back to the area you have been already it seems to me from reading different posts over time, their is a bit of grass is or could be greener thought about hunting trips
I believe you need to get to know a area well if you want to fill your tag on a regular basis the more time you spend in their the more youll learn the areas and maybe hidden pockets that hold elk on a regular basis
Now this is coming from a Pa guy that hunts Idaho too not far but havent been in the units you are talking about but still believe getting to know an area is better than jumping around
Thanks for the input. I kind of have the same opinion. We worked hard the 1st time out and learned quite a bit. Makes sense to not just throw that to the side for a new area. I just dont want to miss on maybe lower hunter numbers or higher elk numbers. Not sure that 1 will be different than the other though
No brainer to go back to a place you know and have an idea where elk are/were already
I have hunted lemhi. We had trouble finding a lot in the mountains, there were a lot down in the flats but they stayed mostly on private...
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