Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

PA Hunters: Doe Tag Application Process?


Oct 25, 2016
I've been applying for doe tags for a number of years. It seems in the last few years, I have become very confused about the application process.

July 10: How many apps can you send? Others told me that they send in three- and awarded all three. I sent three and was only awarded one. (Last year, the envelope opened up and my app/check fell out and was "returned to sender"). I'm fairly certain that I did this in the past, but my memory grows less sharp the older I get...

I am in the special regs area (SEPA) and know I can apply for more during August- but now am out of AL applications and the checks I sent are now in limbo... Will they hold onto the two extra I sent and put them aside for later, or am I SOL and need to redo everything for Aug. 7?

Thanks for the clarification.
The app has 3 areas that you can apply for. 1st. area that you like best if that area is sold out then they will look at your 2nd. area. If that is sold out than they look at your 3rd. choice. If ALL areas are sold out or you do not fill out app. correctly then they will return your check. You can ONLY get one doe permit per app. I hope this helps.
Thanks, PBH... I understand that one can only receive one per application. I was told that I could send up to three different applications in July 10. It seems that this was incorrect advice. I was awarded one of the tags (the farthest WMU), but the others were not fulfilled. I'm guessing the other two applications and their associated checks will now be discarded and I'll have to reapply on August 7?
I never mark any other area other than my first choice, although I did speak to a state biologist that said the three units around Pittsburgh and Philadelphia which I believe are 2b, 5c, and 5d are unlimited even though they are marked as having a quota, and you can send for them at any time in addition to other applications , but never the same envelope
2B did sell out a year or two ago because I was trying to get a tag in the late season but could not. I know there is a place on the envelope that you're supposed to circle how many applications are inside, but I think that's just so three different people can use 1 envelope.
I never mark any other area other than my first choice, although I did speak to a state biologist that said the three units around Pittsburgh and Philadelphia which I believe are 2b, 5c, and 5d are unlimited even though they are marked as having a quota, and you can send for them at any time in addition to other applications , but never the same envelope

This is the source of my confusion... I do want tags for 5c/5d. I did send on July 10 for one of each (I live right on the line between these two) in addition to one for hunting my buddy's farm in central PA. So, could I send these in "now" for 5c/5d, or do I have to wait for the next round?

I think the "rules" for this are a bit confusing... "This rule applies except when this, that, and the other thing".

Thanks for the replies, folks. I'm finding a little solace that I'm not completely idiotic. Perhaps I'll call PGC tomorrow morning and figure out what is the specific rules for this. (I also see contradicting statements about semi-auto rimfires for small game in this area- and am not sure if it wasn't changed from last season to amend for the new provisions set during the off-season)
You can only send in 1 application for 1 tag the first go around, then the second is 1 more tag. If you have 3 applications in an envelope for yourself it will be returned. Sometime in Aug. I think it is you can mail in or go to the county court house and buy unlimited for Philly or Pittsburg zones. Good luck.

PAGOAT is correct, 1 application per round, with a maximum of 3 tags except in special regulation areas (2B on west side of the state). Generally, if you send anything other than 1 application, they will reject it. Heck, I had my kicked back once because I forgot to circle the number of applications. I think after the 3 round, you can apply for up to 3 tags in the same envelope if you are applying for a special regs unit or you have not applied for any tags up to that point and there are still tags available.
I spoke with the PGC yesterday on the phone. I politely asked them to spell it out for me and they were very helpful.

July 10 (first round): ONLY ONE application per hunter regardless of which WMU you wish to apply (However, up to three hunters can share the same envelope)

August 7 (Unsold, first round): A) Hunters can apply for one more license if successful on July 10; B) Can apply for two if they were not successful or did not apply during July 10; C) Can apply for UNLIMITED tags in 2b, 5c, 5d starting this date (However, you cannot send more than three per envelope)

August 21 (Unsold, second round): Apply for third (and final) tag; All three if unsuccessful in Round 1 (July/Aug); Unlimited in SRA (only three apps per envelope though)

August 28: Over the Counter Sales in 2b, 5c, 5d at the county treasurer's office; NOTE: I tried to go this route last year; The line was at least a quarter mile out the door; I tried to slide out during my lunch break a little early; I moved five feet in 30 minutes; had to leave to make it back to work. I overheard a few say they had been in line since 7:30 AM and were just leaving the building with tags in hand (this was about noon).

A few other notes: He said that most County Treasurers will give one the benefit of the doubt and make something work for the applicant; although they have the right to essentially dismiss the entire envelope, most won't. I guess everyone has a bad day, and not even opening the envelope because one didn't circle how many apps it contained is a bit of a "D" move. I guess I'm fortunate that I was awarded one, despite sending three apps the first round (again, my own fault)

I also asked about whether semi-auto rimfires (I.e. 10/22) were allowed in SRA areas; He admitted that he wasn't sure- as the digest has conflicting text and was still waiting for official word from Hburg (Perhaps they are unsure as well- copy and paste from previous documents has bitten us all at one time or another).

I know this is long, but wanted to clarify my own question in case others look for the similar info down the road. Thanks all for your info and advice. Best this coming season. Only NINE WEEKS until archery opens down here in SEPA!!

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