
What would your opinion be on NR who apply for a license in Montana that have reached the age of 68 or older be guaranteed the license .

Absolutely ridiculous! You don't even mention for what species you think this should apply? It's almost guaranteed for a NR to get a general tag for Deer/Elk already and Antelope draw isn't that bad, so I don't see the point here. For Moose/Sheep/Goat the odds for a RESIDENT are anywhere from <1% - 10% depending on species/area/sex, with most of the good tags being 0.5% or less, so you can bet there is zero chance anyone would support a guaranteed draw for a NR. If you want a guarantee...I hear New Zealand is nice.
Just because I'm a MT resident doesn't disvalue my opinion...I would not support this in ANY state for any age/group/class of people
And lets add that anyone East of the ND border should get one too....You know, just to be fair...LOL
Montana doesn't give prfernces to vets, can't see any elderly tag for NR. I don't see any value in giving tags to any NR.
Didn’t MT just go through something similar with a proposal to set aside sheep tags for older hunters? It was met with similar enthusiasm. In reality, if it’s elk & deer tags the older NR hunter is seeking, then he/she is in business because general tags are easy to obtain. Heck, if it’s a sheep tag they want, MT has unlimited units with tags for sale. No need for something like that. And where would it stop? If you carved out tags for every worthy individual or sympathetic demographic, what would you have left?
At 65 and a resident of Wyoming for 30 years or more you get a free Lifetime Fishing/Small game/bird and Conservation Stamp. That's plenty.
Montana doesn't give prfernces to vets, can't see any elderly tag for NR. I don't see any value in giving tags to any NR.

Clearly the “value” comes in the state’s bottom line. But there are states that agree with your sentiment. California comes to mind. Oregon comes awfully close to zero with its NR allocation.
I wonder if this hunters for entitlements for hunters idea will ever stop.
When we (as hunters) have to hire lawyers to understand and abide by the regs brought about by the numerous "special-this-and-special-that-for-this-group-or-that-group" requests, we will maybe have succeeded in satisfying everyone's "special" standing in the hunting (and fishing, for that matter) community.
I wonder if this hunters for entitlements for hunters idea will ever stop.
When we (as hunters) have to hire lawyers to understand and abide by the regs brought about by the numerous "special-this-and-special-that-for-this-group-or-that-group" requests, we will maybe have succeeded in satisfying everyone's "special" standing in the hunting (and fishing, for that matter) community.

I’m not so sure these requests/proposals are coming from members of these specific groups rather from others who for various reason are sympathetic to these groups, be it vets, the elderly, the young, college students, the handicapped, etc, etc.
I’m not so sure these requests/proposals are coming from members of these specific groups rather from others who for various reason are sympathetic to these groups, be it vets, the elderly, the young, college students, the handicapped, etc, etc.

Note that I did not specify who/where these "requests" may be/ are coming from. That is likely a whole other topic.................:rolleyes:
What would your opinion be on NR who apply for a license in Montana that have reached the age of 68 or older be guaranteed the license .

Good idea. While we're at it, let's let them hunt in whichever unit they so please and whenever they want. Everyone gets a unit 380 tag and you can hunt with a rifle in the rut.
Note that I did not specify who/where these "requests" may be/ are coming from. That is likely a whole other topic.................:rolleyes:

Well aware you didn’t specify just thought I’d mention it so we don’t unfairly make assumptions about any of these groups.
Thousands of NRs who pay $1000 per year for their big game combo tag would argue that.

My comment wasn't clear. I mean giving a garunteed tag to someone of a certain age. It was in reply to the OP. Certainly NR tag revenue drives many programs in MT. There is value in that.
My comment wasn't clear. I mean giving a garunteed tag to someone of a certain age. It was in reply to the OP. Certainly NR tag revenue drives many programs in MT. There is value in that.

Got ya. I see what you're saying.
I would like to hunt bighorn sheep before I am 45. I would support giving a guaranteed 680 ram tag to anyone who is over the age of 40 living at my address.
I am an old fart. 65 in 3 months. If preference is deserved, it should be to the youth. I have had my shot.

New Mexico gives preference to handicap, youth and active military. Way it should be.
I would like to hunt bighorn sheep before I am 45. I would support giving a guaranteed 680 ram tag to anyone who is over the age of 40 living at my address.

That made me laugh my ass off.

I echo a lot of the statements made already. I have no idea why a lot of people "in the autumn" of their lives feel that now they are old, they should receive special treatment. From so many of this generation I have heard, "You need to work hard, grind, apply, hunt, repeat and your time will come." Well I have done all of that, happily I might add, and to think now that you get some sort of special treatment is baffling. Like Buzz H. mentioned earlier, you've had your shot at all of the schemes before everyone else. How about this...grow a huge set of testicles, stop whining and go whip some ass.

Thanks to all the people on here who acknowledged that they have had a great run and still prefer to play by the rules.
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