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Old Squaw

That's a killer mount. Sweet bird to hunt. Not so sweet to eat though.
Sure puts the "long tail" in "long-tailed duck"!
Thanks guys! I really loved the mount.

We took a trip on lake michigan last november. A couple of guys and I went out with a local guide. The guys I went with are pretty seasoned waterfowlers and didn't have much of a problem putting them down. I believe their was 6 of us and you take turns switching between the 2 man layout boat. After I failed miserably at connecting with any of them (and going through more boxes of shells then I care to mention). The guide decided to go out with me my final time out. After a little more direction from the guide, I finally shot a double. I then proceeded to shoot 2 more before my time was up. It is amazing how fast they fly and how much you have to lead the birds to bring them down.

old squaw-old squaw-0050.jpgScreen Shot 2015-12-03 at 10.56.23 AM.jpg
Layout hunting is a blast. I had a buddy that I hunted with in Michigan when I lived there and we had a ton of fun doing that.

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