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obama bucks......

thats why its in the JOKES section. for those that have one. a sense of humor that is. don't like it Jose, complain and have it removed. you seem to back those that have to run to big brother for help.
Oak, maybe you should talk to Jose then. I posted a joke, and he started the racist stuff. don't like it, don't look. sorry folks, found this funny. sorry you don't have a sense of humor. it was posted in the jokes section for a reason.
And the reason is you are racist and promote and continue racism and judge people on the color of their skin instead of the content of their character.
TLC, you just got kicked in the nuts by Laverne and Shirley.
And the reason is you are racist and promote(provide something that I said that I am promoting racism. good luck. have never promoted it. and you can't change my feelings on things, now matter how important you THINK you are) and continue racism and judge people on the color of their skin instead of the content of their character.(the person has to have character before I can judge them on that.)

get off the "I'm important" crap Jose. you aren't important to anyone here. if others find this funny as it was intended, then fine. if not, then that's their problem. not in charge of anyone elses sense of humor. only my own. but you keep twisting things the way you want them to be seen. amazing really that you think that you are that important that you can decide for ALL if something is funny or racist. also find it interesting that you are following me around the board. stalking issues there Jose?
TLC, you just got kicked in the nuts by Laverne and Shirley.

JB, notice I didn't flinch? the girls are just a might too sensitive I guess. could understand Jose if it would have been a gardener, but hell, not going to let them make decisions for me. if I did, I'd have to vote for the socialist.;):D
When did I say I was important. I will say I am smarter than you, but that doesn't mean I am important.

I will say you are a racist and you have repeatedly posted racist crap here, and you will continue to be called out for being a racist.

You can delete the racist "joke" if you want and start MovingOn in life.
When did I say I was important. I will say I am smarter than you,(only in your own mind) but that doesn't mean I am important.(exactly. so stop trying to tell others what to do.)

I will say you are a racist(OK, since I think nothing of your opinion, thats fine with me) and you have repeatedly posted racist crap here,(as I have said, don't like what I post, don't look) and you will continue to be called out for being a racist.(and I will continue to call you out for being an ass. just as others have called you out for being a chit starter or pot stirrer)

You can delete the racist "joke" if you want(already told you, I don't want. so maybe YOU should move on) and start MovingOn in life.(not sure how much moving I want to do. already own a company, and own everything I have. how much further should I move?)[/QUOTE]

have to say Jose. with this stalking you are doing, you sure livened up the joke section. haven't seen this many posts about a JOKE in a long time. carry on.
I'm curious, if TLC deposited said 'offensive' currency in the Good Rev. Wright's collection plate, would not the alleged racial overtones be cancelled?

..tis more than humorous that Jose takes the joke section seriously but makes a joke out of the other sections.;)

..alsmot forgot...attaboy Oak.:rolleyes:
I don't see any thing racist in this post...

I do see anti socialist and anti communist, but no racist...

gunner, just because the words are uttered by you, doesn't make them true... ;)

Pics are easy TLC...

You've already done the hard part by collecting the "properties", now just click on the pic icon at the top of the bar in your reply window, and paste the properties into the window...

Done... :)






I see nothing "racist" about this. Socialist - but then if you read the Obama plan for change, his ideas are socialist to the extremes. How does this have anything at all to do with race. Would you call it racist if McCain's picture was on there? How silly. . . how on earth did racism come into this joke - you see, that is where this election is headed. It is going to be the race election, not the presidential election. How sad is that?
TLC, I'm not sure it's Racist like Jose says. It's more a Bad condensending Sterio type. That being said I laughed. But Joser is right, you guys do spew and post Racist stuff. But who am I to judge ? I think the definition of a Racist is hating a Specific Groups of people due to their race. I think you were making fun of Obama cuz you think he;s an Idiot. So It's not Racial. The part that get's "IFFY" is the Chicken, Watermellon, etc.

Dave Chapelle said making of of a Nigga cuz he likes Chicken isn't racist, It's just a Fact. Blacks like Chicken. Just like White guys in general can't dance.

Good luck in this post .... Moosie "OUT" ;)

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