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NRA wasting your money?


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2003
I'm wondering what the NRA members on here feel about how their money is being spent? It seems Wayne likes him some NASCAR. Also helps that Richard Childress is on the Board of the NRA (form of nepotism?)

(CNN) -- The National Rifle Association will sponsor the NASCAR Sprint Cup event in Texas on April 13, Texas Motor Speedway President Eddie Gossage announced Monday.

The race will be called the NRA 500 and will be run during prime time.

"NRA members and NASCAR fans love their country and everything that is good and right about America. We salute our flag, volunteer in our churches and communities, cherish our families, and we love racing." NRA Chief Executive Officer Wayne LaPierre said a video statement played for reporters at a news conference announcing the event.

The sponsorship comes as the gun rights advocacy group has been ramping up its campaign against gun control initiatives in Washington.

NRA promises new ads, blasts 'real consequences' of background checks

Just a few weeks ago, the NRA bought newspaper ads in five states and regional ads and online commercials on websites in 15 states.

The NRA spent about $350,000 on that campaign, a source familiar with it told CNN.

It's the first time the NRA has sponsored a race in NASCAR's top series. Last year, the organization sponsored a Nationwide Series race at Atlanta Motor Speedway.

The race had been promoted as the Texas 500 after the track's deal with Samsung ended last year.

"The title sponsorship costs for a Sprint Cup series race vary greatly from track to track, with variables ranging from market size to attendance, TV ratings and inventory included in the sponsorship package," Mike Zizzo, spokesman for Texas Motor Speedway, said in an e-mail.

The Sports Business Journal reported that Sprint Cup sponsorships typically sell for about $1 million per race.

"The NRA has been involved in the sport for several years and a partner of (track owner) Speedway Motorsports, Inc. for many years in various aspects, and this race entitlement is just another extension of that business relationship," Gossage said.

The winners of races at the track are often given two revolvers and a cowboy hat while taking photographs in victory lane. The fastest qualifier is awarded a shotgun.

Richard Childress, who owns several NASCAR teams, is a member of the NRA's board of directors.

The Texas Motor Speedway has more than 190,000 seats. There will be another Sprint Cup event at the track in November, sponsored by AAA.
What a better way to get your message out!!! I enjoy hunting and nascar so i guess i am a redneck and its nice to see the money i spend on the NRA membership being used for something i enjoy watching. It will get rednecks attention worldwide!! Just my 2 cents.
I'm wondering what the NRA members on here feel about how their money is being spent? It seems Wayne likes him some NASCAR. Also helps that Richard Childress is on the Board of the NRA (form of nepotism?)

Whats the Problem?....Sponsors? You like Go-Daddy ?
Wish I had an extra $1M I would wrap a car with pics of the dead kids from Newtown. That would crash Uncle Lapierre's party.

Oh yeah guess who helped kill the Sportsman Act of 2012? Yep uncle Wayne because don't want those darn feds regulating ammo. We survived the change to steel shot. NRA does not represent hunters. It is only concerned about Second Amendment Zealots.,-the-sportsmen's-act-of-2012.aspx
Wish I had an extra $1M I would wrap a car with pics of the dead kids from Newtown. That would crash Uncle Lapierre's party.

Oh yeah guess who helped kill the Sportsman Act of 2012? Yep uncle Wayne because don't want those darn feds regulating ammo. We survived the change to steel shot. NRA does not represent hunters. It is only concerned about Second Amendment Zealots.,-the-sportsmen's-act-of-2012.aspx

You are fricken messed up bud!!
You are fricken messed up bud!!

Confront the horror. Two weeks after 20 kids are killed Uncle Wayne responds by suggesting armed guards in every school. 90% of the people in this country get how messed up that is.

NRA is an insult to sportsman and worse they perpetuate the us versus them argument. THE GOVERNMENT DOES NOT WANT YOUR GUNS.

If you want to help promote the understanding that sportsman are responsible members of society then turn your back on the loons at the NRA.
I'm sorry, does the NRA take any government money?

Honest question, I really don't know and at the moment I'm to lazy to look it up.

Now, if I move forward under the presumption that the NRA does not take money from the government then they are free to use it as they please until those who donate tell them otherwise.

Spook12, have you been to a race lately? Maybe it was just because I went to California Speedway, but the days of NASCAR being an exclusive sport of rednecks is long gone.
Spook12, have you been to a race lately? Maybe it was just because I went to California Speedway, but the days of NASCAR being an exclusive sport of rednecks is long gone.

Zach I've never been to a NASCAR race.

Do you think that the NRA spending add dollars on a race does anything to help bring a pro 2nd message to those who need to hear it?
To me it feels more like preaching to the choir,making sure that they get a ''warm fuzzy''and fill that plate up one more time.
NRA does not represent hunters. It is only concerned about Second Amendment Zealots.

And that's how it should be. The NRA is there to fight for the 2nd amendment. They have a piss poor record on hunting issues. Leave the hunting issues to those that specialize in it and have the NRA strictly focus on guns.
If the NRA was really concerned with hunting issues and hunters, (like they pretend to be when its convenient for them), they'd be spending that million on habitat, wildlife, and the like.

Instead they piss it away on a nascar race.

The hypocricy of the NRA is astounding...they claim that they care about hunters because the G is "coming for your deer rifle" on the one hand. This is their official position when asking hunters to join.

Then when hunters tell the NRA, "the G isnt coming for my deer rifle, go pound sand with your AK-47"...then the NRA trashes hunters claiming "Well, the 2nd ISNT about your deer rifle or hunting". Hunters are idiots when its not convenient for the NRA.

The NRA never wastes an opportunity to dish out a double scoop of hypocricy....


Dude, maybe you haven't been paying a ton of attention lately, but its pretty obvious the Government is doing what they can to minimize what we can have.........

I have been dissappointed in some of the comments, decisions, etc of the NRA just as I have with other groups that I support. But, as one of the longest standing organizations that is fighting for OUR second amendment rights, I think they have done far more good than not.

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