NRA wasting your money?

About an Obama golf outing in Hawaii?


All you have to do is look at the Colorado thread to see this is no longer true. They are now trying to ban shotguns. The libs have always used this arguement as a way to make us give up our rights voluntarily, now we see thier true colors. If sponsoring Nascar gets them more members to help in this fight then good for them.
Dude, maybe you haven't been paying a ton of attention lately, but its pretty obvious the Government is doing what they can to minimize what we can have.........

I have been dissappointed in some of the comments, decisions, etc of the NRA just as I have with other groups that I support. But, as one of the longest standing organizations that is fighting for OUR second amendment rights, I think they have done far more good than not.
I agree with Critter, they don't always do what I would like them to, but, where would we be without them? ( I joined as a life member 20+ yrs ago).

Although a Nascar race is a pretty damn good waste of money..........:confused: jeezuz
100% agree with this . .not a NASCAR fan. . boring. . Sundays I'm in the woods if possible anyway! :)
Whats reported he makes, and what he actually makes...two different things.
I assume you mean that he makes more than what is reported (given the scrutiny I'm sure the organization gets I wouldn't expect it to be much more).

I wonder how much the don payed uncie wayne to be "keynote" speaker in SLC a couple weeks ago?
Considering that the MoveOn organization and one of it's major sponsors are trying to force Wyndham Hotels and Hertz to drop the NRA member discounts, this sound like a positive opportunity for advertising and reaching out for more members. Look at the hunting and fishing companies that are already heavily invested in NASCAR sponsorships, they wouldn't be involved if there weren't benefits associated with the sponsorship.

If the NRA can fight Obama and the opposition through NASCAR, a football bowl game, or a golf tournament, I'm all for it.

I wonder how much the don payed uncie wayne to be "keynote" speaker in SLC a couple weeks ago?

Oh, ok. I was only considering payment from NRA but I'm sure there is more. I saw something saying he was worth $17 million. The interest on his savings account is probably more than I make.

I give you more credit than NHY...who obviously struggles with the most simple of concepts.

NHY probably also believes that congressmen/senators only make their reported federal salaries as well.


Do you really believe unkie wayne was working for the don for no pay at the SLC expo?

I'm sure unkie wayne was there out of the goodness of his "huge" heart.
so Buzz, does that mean that only people like BJ willie can get paid for speaking engagements?
Confront the horror. Two weeks after 20 kids are killed Uncle Wayne responds by suggesting armed guards in every school. 90% of the people in this country get how messed up that is.

NRA is an insult to sportsman and worse they perpetuate the us versus them argument. THE GOVERNMENT DOES NOT WANT YOUR GUNS.

If you want to help promote the understanding that sportsman are responsible members of society then turn your back on the loons at the NRA.

colorado and illinois are proof that you aren't paying attention. and how sick do you have to be to even imagine wrapping up dead kids and putting them on the side of a car?
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