Caribou Gear Tarp

North American Model of Conservation

There is no way I would ever support 5B. There is no way to control a "limited" application of commercial harvest, not to mention the black market it would create.
a few changes

I would agree with most of the items. I also disagree on the commercial use of wildlife, there should be none. I would add one other item on access, you have to allow access to all public land. No more landlocked public land. I don't have a problem with using some of the agencies money to pay a reasonable sum for a public right of way. This amount should not be in the millions of dollars.

I do think it should be illegal to own native species of wildlife, they should all be considered public. Only bad things can come of private ownership of native species, i.e. cwd etc.
I spend a great deal of time thinking about, discussing, and teaching tenets central to the NA Model w/ wildlife and natural resource undergrad and grad students. Decent article, sadly the author gets too generalized and vague in some of the latter "sisters", expected though given the outlet and the audience. Continuing to say, we must police ourselves, keep your ethics resolute, are insufficient. Until we're ready to name names and amputate infected limbs, the "frivolous use" clause will continue to be the forefront of "America the general populous' " beef w/ recreational hunting. I'm far from perfect, and for those who can read between the lines, I'm sure that comment will rile some of the "don't give an inch" folks up a bit.

Thanks for posting.

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