NEW SITKA Ambient 75

NM Results

As expected, but now official. Time for Plan B.


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My friend and I both drew the mobility impared hunt in unit 16 A , october 4th thru the 8th

Good for you guys, but I have a sincere, legitimate question. How does a person hunt in the Gila units as tough as they are terrain wise under that kind of a draw?
No love for me.

I forget, how am I refunded. I am thinking they return the charge on the credit card and not a check?
Good for you guys, but I have a sincere, legitimate question. How does a person hunt in the Gila units as tough as they are terrain wise under that kind of a draw?

I have taken my son and grandkids on hunts there and the terrain can be hard but not impossible, my friend is a disabled vietnam vet and we will use horses to put him where he needs to be to have a better chance of harvesting a bull, and also at that time of year they are looking for cows and will come in to calls
No love for me.

I forget, how am I refunded. I am thinking they return the charge on the credit card and not a check?

Yep, credit goes back on the card sometime in the next week or so. That way they don't have to pay the transaction fee to the credit card companies.
Yep, credit goes back on the card sometime in the next week or so. That way they don't have to pay the transaction fee to the credit card companies.

Thanks. Looks like I will have lots of credit on my credit card.:D
No love for me. Had lucked out the last 2 years, figured it was about time for the "Bummer".
New Mexico may be (are) hard on us NR's, but one thing you can say for them is they get the refunds out to us losers quick. All of my applications have been refunded as of this morning.
I must say not drawing in New Mexico is a lot less painful than in other states that require a non-refundable license purchase. Even gaining points tends to leave me with an empty feeling. Thankfully that feeling is usually gone by the time app season rolls around again.
I have now drawn 2C Archery, 2B Archery, Barbary Sheep, and 16D Archery Elk in successive years as an unguided-nonresident.

Go figure the odds on that! It has got to be 1:1,000's

I love New Mexico. Now just wish me luck on my elk tag this year. :)
A feel good story...

No love for me this year for the NM draw although I am not complaining.
I drew a Once In a Lifetime Oryx tag last year as a NR. Made the long drive from CA, unfortunately without my hunting partner/father. Just before the hunt we found out that had cancer-most likely a result from Agent Orange in Vietnam. He insisted that I go without him since it was OIL and I brought back a nice one. During the hunt, and the stories that followed, I had wished that he could experience "this" special OIL hunt. And I could tell he was thinking the same thing. He has since had a bone marrow transplant and is in recovery mode.
He has about four months to gain his strength because I got him a Mobility Impaired card and convinced him to put in for the MI, Oryx hunt. You guessed it.....HE GOT DRAWN! I could not be happier. Perfect timing and great motivation for him to push through. :D
The plan is to fly him to ABQ and I'll make the two day truck drive with the wife. If all is well maybe I can buy a over the counter Barbary tag and stick around a few days. (If anyone knows where some public sheep ground is, or where some reasonable fee private land is, please let me know-I would be VERY interested and grateful for your input)
I hope to post a great Oryx pic in September! Either way, I guarantee you it will be the best hunt I have ever been on.

Here is to a great hunting season. May you enjoy every moment you have on the mountain.

Thank you New Mexico Dept of Game & Fish.
He has since had a bone marrow transplant and is in recovery mode.

He has about four months to gain his strength because I got him a Mobility Impaired card and convinced him to put in for the MI, Oryx hunt. You guessed it.....HE GOT DRAWN! I could not be happier. Perfect timing and great motivation for him to push through. :D

I hope to post a great Oryx pic in September! Either way, I guarantee you it will be the best hunt I have ever been on.

Good deal. Looking forward to hearing about hte hunt.
Unit 34 on the west side above Alamogordo is an over the counter unlimited Barbary unit open year round. The g & f want all the barbarys killed out of they so they can put desert bighorns in there.
PEAX Trekking Poles

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