PEAX Equipment

NM Draw Results Dates since 2012


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2015
I have been tracking actual NM draw post dates vs published results date for 10 years. Based on history (and the cagey answer yesterday when I asked a high level NMDGF official) I think it is safe to expect our results next Wednesday April 20.

(I guess since NM made selling Weed legal this month, 4/20 makes sense for results. Lol)
I've never wanted a NM tag more than I do this year. My father was a NM resident and I a Colorado resident. Last year was the last time I will ever get to hunt with my father. Unfortunately Covid took him in December.

The fall of each year was our time. We would spend weeks together chasing as many species as we could across two states. Last year was exceptionally productive as we held more tags than in any of the previous 3 years combined! We had many conversations and random midnight rants than I can remember. We caught more fish, stalked more animals and drank more beer than ever before.

We ended up choosing not to fill several of our tags as we were out a freezer space, yet we continued to "hunt". We had both already taken the time off from work and even though we had no intention of filling the tag, unless a once in a lifetime animal walked out, we still went out. Maybe a higher power knew something we didn't, but I can't help but want and long for another season like last year.

One thing I do regret about last year was cutting my antelope hunt short by a few days, for the possibility of making an extra dollar. A friend and coworker has been telling me for the past decade, " never sacrifice time with family for time at work and don't chase the almighty dollar more than is necessary to provide for your family. I've never met anyone on their deathbed that said they wished they worked more." We work in EMS. This has never rung more clear than now, and I regret not heeding his advice. Those few extra days would have been hours of conversation and memories with my dad.

If you took the time to read this the only thing I ask is that you never take family for granted and never choose work over family time, not even for a few hours.
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