New Mexico Archery Pronghorn - 2009

Absolutely freaking awesome. Helluva ride too. Thanks for the play-by-play...we were all on the edge of our seats this week and it was fantastic! Congrats again to both of you -- we knew you could do it!
That was a lot of fun to tune into your hunts. Thanks for bringing us along. Congrats on the speed goats.

Good job Bryce, I know it isnt the buck you wanted but it still is a good buck. Congrats, to the both of you on a hunt well done. It has been fun watching you two go at it. Will talk to you later about the hunt. Hope to see more pitchers and see more threads here about the hunt. Congrats again.
Congrats Bugler! That's one heck of a buck. Great job on the hunt and updates. Way to get the hunting season started.
Great blow by blow story!

I've gotta see the film on this one!

I'm not having nearly as much luck where I'm looking. All the bucks are smaller and they're real spooky. Gonna try it again this w/e. There is so much water around the water holes seem pointless. I'll probably have to ambush one that's just wandering around...

Congrats to both of you! Great hunts! Great patience!
Top gun work ethic, just not top pin (lol). Sixty-one yards --- Bryce, how much did that buck drop at the shot? Again, congrats to both you guys! Hot, sweaty, frustrating for you two (until the nose plants) --- a whole lotta fun for us the whole way. Thanks for the ride ...
Very cool thread. I'm sure this will make an excellent OYOA episode. Is it hunting season yet?
  1. Time to fill in the blanks. I'll start off before Randy harvested his buck.
  2. We had got into the blind early like the day before. When the sun had came up we knew it was going to be a great day. We had antelope all over the place. The first group to come in had 7 does/fawns and 1 small buck. This was only the second group of lopes to actually water. I would say only 10% came in to water and not one buck besides this little guy actually drank from the tank. They would circle but never come in the whole way to drink.
  3. P1110035.JPG
  4. P1110038.JPG
  5. Not 30 minutes later we had a buck come from the west and bed down 80 yards away. We were getting excited and Randy had decided to shoot this buck if he came in. Unfortunately he got up and walked off without even looking at the water.
  6. P1110099.JPG
  7. As we watched that buck walk away two samller bucks came to check us out and again didn't water. But as they were looking at us a nicer buck came to water. As you guessed it he skirted us and walked off. He was within 40 yards but just never presented Randy a good shot.
  8. P1110100.JPG
  9. P1110101.JPG
  10. After these bucks came in the buck Randy shot came in 2 hours later and as they say the rest is history.
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