Caribou Gear

New Mexico Archery Pronghorn - 2009

Big Fin--forgot to add -- very commendable on your part to take the injured buck---what was wrong with him?? this will make for an excellent TV episode---

IDB--go get 'em today----

Been away from my computer for a week (my loss!). Canceled out my initial comments --- you guys don't need my help. I'm sure the fat lady hasn't found you guys for a good reason. Kudos Randy! Bugler, guess you just shoot a tad lower next time. Bueno suerte! Keep hydrated ...
Great buck Randy! This thread is a super read and I'm more anxious than ever to hunt antelope! Good luck Bryce. show us a ground photo of one of these two..

Nice job guys. Gotta love the updates!!

We will be leaving tomorrow for a 3 day hunt below clayton NM, on Meyer ranch.
Hopefully we can show some great shoots as well.

Once again nice goat and looking forward to seeing another goat down...
I have spent the morning, walking back and forth between the two other waterholes and trying to keep an eye on the other bucks around. One of the big bucks I photographed last night is bedded here about 100 yards from the truck, in the adjacent unit. Go figure.

I can see Bugler from here. He has had antelope bedded around him all morning. I am not sure what is going on out there. There are a group of does to his east, at what looks like 120 yards, bedded and doing nothing. There are three bucks, which from a mile away, look pretty decent, that appear to be bedded in the blind with him, given my angle. I am standing at the truck yelling under my breath, "Shoot Bugler, shoot."

I have no idea what is going on, other than they must be further away than they look. But, they are so close, that he must be able to see them very well.

It is hotter than .....(insert your own word here). I am in the shade of the truck, and can hardly stand it. Very little wind today, compared to yesterday.

I have to post this, watching all this go on from a distance, is driving me nuts. This lets me feel like I am at least voicing my excitement/frustration with someone.

If one of those bucks gets up and waters, Bugler is gonna smoke him. One looks to be really good, but with the heat waves, it is hard to tell. But, when you see that much mass, you know he is not a piker.

I will post, once these bucks do something, other than sleep all afternoon.

Get 'em Bugler. Get 'em.
BigFin...waaaaaaay to go...nice animal!...and yes, you did the right thing...I've done the same thing myself.
Bugler...that's why it's called huntin...feel fortunate, you get to go out another day! hang in there,'ll get'er done!
Kind of like watching the Superbowl.............except for a week instead of an afternoon.
I've been following this thread the whole time, and man how awesome is this. Definitely helps hold me over until I can get out.
Awesome buck Randy, sounds like you made a great shot too.
Can't wait to see what Bugler tips over.
Sorry for the delay in a post. Been off looking for other bucks.

Came back just in time to watch the bucks get out of their beds and walk right to the waterhole. They got close, and then stopped. I was yelling, "Shoot that :BLEEP:, shoot 'em."

Then, for no apparent reason, they turned and walked away. I just picked up Bugler and we swung by camp to get a few snacks and some Gatorade. He looks beat.

He tells me the bucks bedded at 75 yards from the blind. He had to wait them out. When they got up, they came to the waterhole and the biggest one turned broad side at 45 yards. But, the buck did so, right between the two shooting ports. Bugler says a couple steps left or right, and the hunt is over.

I am feeling bad for him. He said he had three groups of bucks come in today. but did not get shot on any of them. The other group stood face-on at 65 yards, and he passed on that shot.

I will do all I can to lift his spirits, load him with liquid, and get him back out there. I have three other really good bucks spotted in an area of the unit, where I think they have migrated in from a unit with less pressure. I walked right up to them this morning and took pictures from 60 yards away. I left them to rest. I am hoping they will be there, and will let Bugler and the camera guy get to a similar distance.

I have a really good feeling about this afternoon/evening. Might be wrong, but with as hard as Bugler has hunted, I just can't see it not coming together.

He needs some luck. Luck being where hard work and opportunity intersect. He has the hard work portion taken care of, so all he needs now is the "opportunity" component.

Some buck, some where, is walking around, completely unaware that Bugler is on is tail. Poor buck. He better be paying attention this evening, or he could end up in Bugler's cooler.

Heading out for the afternoon "bake and burn."

Thanks for all the great comments guys. We hope to not disappoint.
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