Caribou Gear

Nebraska Thunder Chickens


Jun 13, 2012
Mayer, MN
So I've been looking into this Nebraska turkey hunting thing for some time. I have a few locations I'm looking into. I called the state biologist and talked to him but I probably was told the same as the other 500 callers.

So some of my questions are have the fires in the NW part of the state hurt the hunting and what can I expect on public land out in the area.

I'm not looking for anybody's spot just trying to find a little info on the subject.

Any help is good help, Thanks
Mr. mhungerford put me onto some birds in NW Nebraska a few years back. Thanks!

Hunting is really fun and very different from eastern hunting of the birds. A lot of ground to cover... set up.... call.

The fires have definitely changed the hunting from the first year that I was out there. Some birds are pushed to private ground. Get a good GPS with good maps and have lots of fun. Locate and go after them. Very beautiful country.

good luck to all
the dog
When I hunted Nebraska last spring - a farmer told me there is so many out there that a lot of people shoot (poach) them with high powered rifles because they cause so much crop damage. Find a nice creek or river corridor and some public land - you'll be happy. I got 3 toms in one morning.
Call the game fish, they'll tell you some. Find cotton woods and you've found turkey's. As stated, there is no shortage of birds in most farms communities. Call the local grain elevators and county offices in the desired area. Make sure you bring a bucket of corn for a call.
I hunted that area last spring. Plenty of turkeys on public land. Hunting pressure was moderate with most of it being close to private land. Me and the wife both took nice birds in 3 1/2 days of hunting. Very friendly people as well.
I looked into going there a few years back, but, as I recall it was like $90 per bird/ max of 3? I may be way off? I ended up going to Kansas instead and had a great time. .way less expensive too. I'm in the planning phase of my 2nd Kansas turkey hunt this Spring.
A buddy and I are also going to head to NW Nebraska for turkeys. Looking at the area around the Chadron/Crawford area due to the amount of public land. The first week of May will be the first opportunity for us to head out there.

We are currently looking at topographical maps and the online atlas of public ground and will call the CO officer once we get closer. We are thinking on just picking an area that looks the best from the maps or any hot tips we get before then. Our hopes is that if we cover enough ground we will find them and hopefully not find a ton of other hunters. Speaking of other hunters, how heavily pressured are those areas? In Iowa, public land gets pounded pretty hard, also some of our season falls during the time morel mushrooms are going so that even adds more people to the woods. Our hopes is we can both get a bird and just have a great time.

Are we missing anything else?

Like Jvanderlinde, I am not looking for anyone’s spots just some info.
I would take advantage of the support others are offering. I've been successful on turkeys many times, but hunting the birds in the NW part of the state is more of a "western" style hunt. The birds have amazing eyesight and move long distances during their days.
I did not tag a bird in the Pine Ridge area the year I went out there, and I admit it was mostly because I didn't prepare well enough for the hunting style needed to be successful out there.

I can't wait to get back out there. I would love another chance to tag a Pine Ridge bird. Maybe not this year, but soon. Its certainly beautiful country.

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