NEW SITKA Ambient 75

My Season is Over


Active member
Dec 17, 2000
Waddell, AZ
We had a great season this year in my household. The wife and I drew pronghorn tags and a good friend and I drew deer tags. All in NV and all in different units. The plan was for my wife's hunt to take priority as she didn't draw a tag in the last two years. Then we would move to my unit for my pronghorn hunt. For the deer season, I would hunt my unit solo for the first week, move camp and help my buddy with his hunt. We put these plans in place shortly after the draw results were posted. Then I had a request from a friend and neighbor to help his son on an elk hunt. My neighbor was diagnosed with cancer and wasn't sure he would even be alive when the hunt came round. Who could say no? Our pronghorn hunts went well and we harvested early. The deer hunts also went well and my buddy killed his first mule deer on the second day of his hunt. The next day we loaded up camp and headed our separate ways home. I called my neighbor to discuss plans for the upcoming elk hunt and they were already on their way up to camp, both he and his son. I came home, unpacked, did laundry , re-packed and arrived in elk camp the day before the season opened. Long story short, his son didn't connect on a cow elk but we had three great days hunting from dawn until dusk and his dad managed to get out with us a few times. We saw elk all three days, but just couldn't get one to stay still long enough to calm those first hunt jitters and get off a shot. Dad went through chemo-therapy and radiation therapy both together the month before the hunt and is now awaiting to hear what the surgeon has to say. We are making plans on where to apply next year so we can all hunt together. It was a great experience to help out a fine young man and I look forward to hunting with he and his father next year.
I'd say you had a very successful year, got some meat in the freezer and best of all helped a friend in need. Congrats
That's great to hear there are still some good guys out there, hopefully you'll all be there in camp next year, and the year after, and ................

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