Muzzleloaders in MT

I don't think it's fair to rail on Buzz and Greenie because they filled their tags, and insinuating that because they fill their tags they don't respect wildlife. Pretty sure Greenie posted up more pics of his boy knocking stuff down than himself. You said in a previous post that you would use the extra season to fill unfilled tags, for yourself!
The reason I am against a ML season is the fact that there are places in MT that you can already have special provisions for ML, shotguns, and archery, regardless of how easy or hard it is to get on these places. Secondly, I personally don't believe for a second, a "primitive" season would ever stay that way, in-lines would eventually crawl in, and third, Toby said it years ago, and I believe him. He is here to establish a ML season during our elk rut. I believe his words on Bowsite, were, "archery guys need to share." And I don't believe ML belong anywhere near bugling elk. And all the little bits, are nothing more than baby steps leading to it.
I respect many hunters on this site.What i get tired of is some assholes NOT reading all the comments and jumping in to make asshole comments.Greenhorn and Buzz both respected hunters get top prize in this thread.If you read the full length of discussion you would see that people like myself are merely speculating about the concept but also willing to admit the shortcomings, and ultimately defer to the well being of our hunting privilege.Funny how the guys that get the most worked up are the ones who kill truck loads of animals every year, so much for respecting our wildlife.I take what I need,nothing more.Nothing about that suggests ME ME ME.Once again a thread turned sour by the righteous chosen few.Some of you are being dicks today.I apologize for the rant, I really don't give a rats ass one way or the other,but as usual people start pointing fingers and name calling and can't merely discuss.Go back to making the two page list of all the animals you hope to snuff out this year.:W:


You're free to think what you want.

But, keep in mind, just today, my Dad (who has lived in MT all his life) and I had a talk about how dumb the idea is to have elk B-tags. I used myself as a classic example of what SHOULD NOT happen. I draw a breaks B-tag, kill one elk. Then, because the "opportunity first" crowd didnt stand up to the MTFWP, I was able to roll into Western Montana and shoot a bull on my general tag.

That should not happen, because frankly, it shouldnt be allowed. But, you know what, I didnt make the rules, I just play by them. Not only does MT see to it that I can kill 2 elk a year, but they also see to it that I get a NR elk tag for $80 and a NR deer tag for $60.

I wrote letters and made phone calls in opposition to both elk B-tags and the Native Montana reduced price tags...while the Residents licked their greedy chops over the "increased opportunity" to have 2 elk tags in their pockets. I'll bet there wasnt a single former MT resident hunter, who benefits from this bill, that wrote letters/made phone calls in protest of either bill...yet, you feel compelled to call me out on filling a couple tags?

Funny stuff...and a bit self righteous on your part.

How anyone can even make the suggestion that another week or two of (any) season be added on to what is already available is beyond comprehension.

Muzzleloader seasons are a joke, and I hope the residents slam the door shut on any more of these bright "ideas"....good grief.
I would be willing to consider trading out the last week or so of rifle for primitive bp. I stand by the opinion that are season is to generous, why do we get a buck/bull tag every year. We are hunting ourselves out of opportunities, at this rate there will be nothing left. Virtually nothing has been done to address the explosion of archers in the field.

As an MBA member and prowler of the breaks, I would prefer not to be thrown out with the bath water. There are a lot of "me" in MT, but change takes time. Yesterday I found myself in a "discussion" with a group of "sportsmen" that insisted our elk and deer herds are just fine. Supposedly I just don't hunt hard enough; my boots and wife would beg to differ.
I respect many hunters on this site.What i get tired of is some assholes NOT reading all the comments and jumping in to make asshole comments.Greenhorn and Buzz both respected hunters get top prize in this thread.If you read the full length of discussion you would see that people like myself are merely speculating about the concept but also willing to admit the shortcomings, and ultimately defer to the well being of our hunting privilege.Funny how the guys that get the most worked up are the ones who kill truck loads of animals every year, so much for respecting our wildlife.I take what I need,nothing more.Nothing about that suggests ME ME ME.Once again a thread turned sour by the righteous chosen few.Some of you are being dicks today.I apologize for the rant, I really don't give a rats ass one way or the other,but as usual people start pointing fingers and name calling and can't merely discuss.Go back to making the two page list of all the animals you hope to snuff out this year.:W:

Hem, FYI - I read all the comments, and didn't get worked up at all. I'm sorry my humor doesn't gel with so many. Still the thought of a special season in MT for those who want to dress up in buckskins, wear coon hats, and shoot round balls is as dumb as most the whacko ideas that come across here. You'd be an asshole too if you only had eaten 4 saltine crackers in two days.
I think this may sum up this forum
Or if it doesnt work since i really dont know how to post links i will just say.... I really didnt think this was as controversial of a topic as it is! I Myself would like to see a ML season that possibly takes the place of part of our rifle season, which could reduce some harvest potentially ( I know ME ME ME). Or maybe use a muzzleloader season to take the place of some of the thousands of deer elk and antelope permits issued in Game Damage hunts that happen after our general season here every year.
Also last night i attended a watershed meeting where the two major views were present, fisherman/outfitters and ranchers/farmers, (these groups dont always get along as you can imagine). However there were no accusations, name calling or finger pointing. This meeting was to help bring the community together in a round table discussion where everyone is heard. The same basic point of this site, the difference was everyone there was civil and respectful.
And as some of us (myself included) should sometimes remember its much harder so say to someone's face but everyone here has a face.
I do not apologize for posting this thread but I must apologize for the way some responded.
I see a few guys on here advocating a shorter mule deer season. When are we all going to get together on the same page and demand the Dept. begin to manage the resource? I sat down when last in Bozeman w/ Randy and Vito and we had a great discussion with this very topic. The problem was we were to close to the tentative deadline to really accomplish much. My(our) hope is that we can get together for the next session and actually accomplish something.

The Dept. will cite "our survey says"....and as I allowed them in Glasgow at the tentative meeting, I can get the answers I want from a survey, just let me word it, like they did.....we are now going to be stuck w/ 2 years of "no doe" hunting...forcing much more pressure on the male segment of the mule deer herd...which in Reg. 6 we can ill afford.

To those who think a muzzleload season is "dumb" long as it is traditional black scopes/in-lines, and we shorten the "general rifle season" (Oct. 5 to Oct. 20). I have no problem w/ it..we now have created a win/win/win, win for deer(less impact) for FWP(another license) for sportsmen(another opportunity).

I had a discussion w/ a non-resident(similar to the above rantings posted) about the mule deer "b" tag he had purchased here in Reg. 6...I made the statement anyone who would shoot a mulie doe should be tarred and feathered....he became irate and told me that it was the Dept's fault for selling him the tag....using this rational I guess it is the bartenders fault..."I did not drink to much, I was over-served"......there are a bunch of us in Reg. 6 that try to buy as many ''B" tags as we can, and then throw them in the garbage....a feable attempt to save a handful of does from slaughter.

ps...ML hunters/season have no place during the elk rut...i agree w/ that statement.
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I agree with everything you said in the last post.

The resource should always come first regardless. HB 42 by Debbie (the Rich mans Senator) from Dillon passed legislation that says otherwise.

I talked with a MTFW&P's Bio the other day that told me she was glad and thankfull that Debbie's bill became law. No wonder why her HDs are crashing around her ears.
My apologies for reacting instead of responding.I fell right in to the behavior I'd rather avoid.I shouldn't have singled anybody out but everybody has a limit,and the discussion was turning south quickly.That is that.
Hem- I might forgive you if you were to buy me a beer. I'm eating ice cream now - delightful. Apparently I had norovirus. 3 days of hell.
In the spirit of "one upsmanship", I just had a stiff vodka martini and then a bowl of oreo ice cream,...go figure.I'll buy you a beer sometime,Greenie, but not 'cuz i'm looking for forgiveness.:D