Multiflora rose bushes. . . safest way to kill them.


Well-known member
Sep 5, 2012
I know we have some experts on here, so, what do you think the safest way to kill a Multiflora rose bush is? I'm trying to not harm/taint the animals or other vegetation around them. I'm not sure the western group on here even have problems with it, but, we sure do here. If you cut it, it just comes back tenfold. . .this summer I mean business. I have some things I can use, but, looking for some other ideas. ( and no, getting goats isn't gonna be an option!!) lol Thanks guys.
If it is the really big bushes, I have had great success wrapping a tow strap around them (or small chain) and pulling the whole clump with the tractor.
Slower less gratifying way is spray with Round-up. Usually takes me two applications and then I still have to pull them later.
Also had good results by slowly driving over them with tractor and bush-hog and grinding the piss out of them. If you do that in the winter, they often won't even re-sprout. I always hated em, but the game likes big batches of them like nothing else.
If it is the really big bushes, I have had great success wrapping a tow strap around them (or small chain) and pulling the whole clump with the tractor.
Slower less gratifying way is spray with Round-up. Usually takes me two applications and then I still have to pull them later.
Also had good results by slowly driving over them with tractor and bush-hog and grinding the piss out of them. If you do that in the winter, they often won't even re-sprout. I always hated em, but the game likes big batches of them like nothing else.

I second that motion. Immediately treating stumps with a low pressure sprayer or spong applicator after cutting with Picloram (aka Tordon) or Triclopyr (aka Garlon) might be better than just Glyphosate (aka Round Up) application.

Swing by your County Extension Office and they should be able to lead you in the right direction.
What twodot suggested is common practice and does work. Many also prefer to treat the stumps as mentioned by mthuntr. The county extension agent can help with chemical suggestions. I'd also suggest giving the state regional forester a call. They have been super helpful the few times I've contacted them.

Multiflora rose, like bush honeysuckle, will be an ongoing battle and plan on multiple years of treatment. Let me know if you need a hand as I use about any excuse I can to get out of suburbia for a day!
Cut hem to the ground and drip roundup carefully on the fresh cut stems....I had a similar problem and it worked out good.....:cool:
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Glyphosate is mainly active as a foliar application. Garlon works much better for killing tough broadleaf plants and for stump treatments. That is what I would recommend. Follow the label for the product you are using and you will be fine.
That stuff is nasty. Tried walking in some public land in Iowa and it was covered in the stuff.
Not to change the subject but anyone know the best way to keep Canadian Thistle under control?
tractor with a bucket, and a chain. pull the whole damn thing out. then burn it. whatever is left, mulch the crap out of it. then burn that, also. hate that stuff.
That stuff is nasty. Tried walking in some public land in Iowa and it was covered in the stuff.
Not to change the subject but anyone know the best way to keep Canadian Thistle under control?
Goats will eat it to the point of eradication. :D Just takes a bit of training...

If you don't want to mess with goats, follow the Purdue link provided above. Once it's dead be sure to plant something in it's place as it can be easily outcompeted. Nature abhors a vacuum and often fills one with species we don't want.
Thanks guys. I already had the Garlon and the Round up ready. I have done the tractor and bushog thing in the past. This stuff is tough. . .and to think they use to plant it here and use it for fencing " Horse high and hog tight" is what they use to say about it. ( they were not kidding!! LOL. 1pt, goats will eat the heck out of the Multiflora too. .my Dad said to buy a couple I told him if 2 goats ate all that was in there they would weigh 500 lbs at the end! lol
Then we will just eat the goats........:cool:

maybe we could get some Bighorns shipped in from my Western friends? Thats the only goats I wouldn't mind seeing!!! I would make myself the President of the Eastern Rocky Mountain Sheep Foundation!! LOL