MT shoulder season decision...

I personally have a copy of the landowners comments and signatures opposing the shoulder seasons in 391/392. You are looking at between 40,000 and 50,000 acres of land that allows some form of public hunting about to vanish from free public access. And that includes some BMA lands that will be removed. I don't want to see the elk herds get slaughtered, and I don't want to see the access go away. I sure hope FWP does the right thing and pulls these districts out at a minimum, or even better just drop the whole shoulder season concept.

One funny thing to note. Landowner names associated with outfitting are absent from the signatures page. Specifically the Chair of House FWP committee who continues to advocate for this.

Sounds about right to me.
I submitted an additional comment to FWP.

"I am opposed to the shoulder season concept and this pilot project. I have submitted comments to this effect but would like to add an additional comment that has evolved from recent new information as of 11/6/15. The vast majority of landowners in districts 391/392 will NOT allow public access for these hunts and do not wish to participate. These are ranches that currently allow some form of public access whether it be Block Management or privately granted access. It has been stated that if the shoulder seasons are approved in these areas that the landowners will stop allowing public access and some will remove themselves from the Block Management program. The Sportsmen are facing the permanent loss of 40 to 50 thousand acres of access. Please do not approve the shoulder season pilot project in districts 391/392, or preferably in any of the districts. It will only lead to a worsened state of landowner, FWP, and sportsmen relations."

It would not hurt to submit more comments of a similar tone and subject.
Ok here is the latest news on this. My contacts are telling me that after the letter and signatures of landowners not willing to participate in 391/392 were submitted today, FWP has amended the proposal yet again to remove all of 392 and the western portion of 391 from the shoulder season this year. I have no reason to believe this isn't true, and will be anxiously awaiting the results of the commission decision next week. If we succeeded then we saved a few hundred elk.
Time for comments is over. I just looked at the guidelines... General license hunt from Nov 30-Feb 15th on private, state, and BLM land. What a CF that will be. Maybe Peta will set up shop down by Townsend and film it all.

Maybe we should have just let Kary's bill pass so we could put the blame squarely on him.
It's official. They pulled 392 and the west half of 391.

Take pride in the small victories but keep fighting.
Time for comments is over. I just looked at the guidelines... General license hunt from Nov 30-Feb 15th on private, state, and BLM land. What a CF that will be. Maybe Peta will set up shop down by Townsend and film it all.

Maybe we should have just let Kary's bill pass so we could put the blame squarely on him.

It is a shame that we can blame someone many here regard as someone strongly in favor of sportsmen. The directive was issued straight from Governor Bullock for FWP to create this program.
One of the landowners with a significant chunk of land in the east half of 391 signed on with the other landowners and will not allow access. There will still be a large area for the elk to seek refuge.
It is a shame that we can blame someone many here regard as someone strongly in favor of sportsmen. The directive was issued straight from Governor Bullock for FWP to create this program.
I believe Bullock's directive was an alternative to Kary's bill. I'd love to know the inside story to all this.
Thanks Craig, I would have missed it if not for your reminder. Also thanks everyone for submitting comments. I think the Commission wants to do the right thing but they need the public support to resist the political pressure ramming this down their throat.

Here's a little reporting from a non-reporter:

I expect they overstated the "support" for this. I'd guess the support is very tentative, like mine. I'm not opposed to late hunts, but there needs to be control. Opening it up to anyone with a general tag is insane for a multitude of reasons.

MWF and HSA also offered very tentative support. SFW, of course, was full in.

Brozovich from the G-T ranch seemed to be speaking for the landowners who strongly opposed this in its current form. The reasons were concerns about shootouts and being overrun with hunters unless the number of hunters is controlled (via lottery, management hunts, etc). There have already been 8 "shootouts" this year. One left 8 elk unclaimed and another left 10. One, as Rat Fink said, drove elk into Canyon Ferry and caused several to drown. This is sickening and I can't imagine how much worse this would be if the season extended into February when the elk are really concentrated down low. I'm glad my concerns on that issue were brought up.
Nice reporting Rob.

Per the commission -

8 landowners have been recorded as supporting the shoulder season in HD 391.

This is a very small contingent of landowners in a very big area.

Made me sick to hear G-T ranch manager describe the slob "hunting" going on in this area.

I do not know the answer to the problem but I would love to think more funding for more law enforcement/Wardens would help this situation.
I just read the MT FWP press release for the shoulder season for antlerless elk in the region four hunting districts. This will be a separate hunt from the hunt roster, and I wonder how this will effect the hunt roster. I'm currently 53 on the list for 446 and I hope to get a call. How many of you with unfilled elk b tags plan to participate?
Opening a couple few ranches to everyone that didn't fill their elk A tag is a Charlie-Foxtrot. Never would have guessed that :rolleyes:
Right now, it seems every elk hunter in Montana and beyond who did not get his, or her, elk in the general season that ended Nov. 29 has focused on four hunting districts between Great Falls and White Sulphur Springs that are taking part in the new elk shoulder season.

“Our phone lines have been jammed with hunters looking for information,” said Gary Bertellotti, Fish, Wildlife and Parks Region 4 supervisor. “At times all our lines are tied up.”
Because of the high interest in the season, phone lines have been overwhelmed at times leading some hunters to express frustration.
Opening a couple few ranches to everyone that didn't fill their elk A tag is a Charlie-Foxtrot. Never would have guessed that :rolleyes:

Exactly what I thought when I got the email. Who would have thunk,,,,,,,,,,

I liked this part

"“People should not have unrealistic expectations,” Bertellotti said. “This is not a game damage hunt. At times this will be an arduous hunt.”
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It's DNRC Trust Lands & BLM too.

But it certainly isn't worth making the pilgrimage.
No thanks. It's wolf season. The elk that made it 10 weeks, should be rewarded with life this winter.
No thanks. It's wolf season. The elk that made it 10 weeks, should be rewarded with life this winter.
Kinda like eating potatoe chips. One wolf and you want some more. And it helps an elk or two. Headed out again tomorrow. mtmuley
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