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MT- Sheep


Active member
Jan 2, 2012
Pittsburgh, PA
I'm trying to put my schedule together for next fall, and I'm seriously considering a Montana unlimited sheep tag. If I can find a willing partner.

The season opens 9/15. My plan is to have boots on the ground 9/8. Spend 7 days scouting, and up to 7 days hunting. I'll have a sat phone to make the daily calls to check if the quota is filled. I'll be driving out from PA, just because of all the variables.

Obviously, the chance of success is just above zero(but we'll be sheep hunting). I'm looking for someone that is prepared to see more grizzlies than sheep, and has experience in extended backcountry trips. A positive attitude is also a requirement.

I've been researching units for the past year, but I'm open to suggestions. The non-resident tag is $755, and has to be purchased by May 1st. I'm thinking a coin toss to decide who shoots first.

If someone just wants to tag along with no tag that's fine too.
I would love to join you, but I will be hunting 482 or 680. I haven't decided which one I want ot hunt yet.:D
I would love to join you, but I will be hunting 482 or 680. I haven't decided which one I want ot hunt yet.:D

I think I read somewhere hunting sheep in the breaks is for the gays?

I'll be in the mountains filling my tag next fall.

Wish I had the time to do the unlimited tag like that, good luck if you make it down Dustin.
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After going on four goat hunts in one of the unlimited sheep units I decided that I would rather hunt sheep in that incredible country than spend years applying for a tag that I may never draw. After three years of spending almost two weeks every september in those mountains I finally made contact with a ram.

I did hunts similar to what you are proposing, I went in a week early to scout. As the season neared I would leave my gear where I wanted to hunt and would hike out with an empty pack to resupply with extra food/fuel at my truck. Some years I was by myself, but in 2009 when I got my ram, a friend of mine drew the goat tag in that area so I had some company.

A couple of suggestions,
Get in the best shape you can, it is very big country with very few sheep. You will have to cover a lot of ground to find them.

Be very bear aware. I have had many bear encounters in that country including a griz chewing up my pack in the middle of the night about six feet from my bivy sack.

While you are scouting try and be as unintrusive as possible. Several times I found rams prior to the season only to have other hunters show up a couple days before the season starts and scare the sheep out of the country without even knowing they were there. Try not to skyline yourself by not walking ridgelines, don't camp right next to where the sheep live. And please don't get drunk and yell around a bonfire right in the basin where the sheep live (I lost a chance at a nice ram because of some idiots that did this).

Not sure what unit you are thinking about, but several buddies and I will be applying for goat tags in the same area I got my ram so maybe I will see you down there. Feel free to PM me if you want to talk some more about your plans.





I have tossed around the idea of doing an unlimited hunt the last few years. Last year I drew a 2nd choice ewe tag so I got to experience a sheep hunt and that took the pressure off. I'm content with trying to draw a ram tag now. Best of luck for those of you willing to take on the challenge.
After going on four goat hunts in one of the unlimited sheep units I decided that I would rather hunt sheep in that incredible country than spend years applying for a tag that I may never draw.

That's what I'm thinking.

I'll PM you tonight. I didn't think of pairing up with goat hunters. I'm not opposed to a solo hunt, but my wife is. :)

Great ram and pictures.
This is funny I was doing research just yesterday on these hunts in the unlimited areas I have been in some of them though not very far at all to where one might have a shot at a sheep. Some great country that's for sure. Awesome Pics! I really wanna do this hunt but it will be a few years I guess.:)
I would love to get in on this, I just wish my hunting vacation budget was longer than 7-10 days per year. Stupid question, but can you still accrue points while hunting these unlimited units?
I would love to get in on this, I just wish my hunting vacation budget was longer than 7-10 days per year. Stupid question, but can you still accrue points while hunting these unlimited units?

No, you've got to apply for it as your first choice in order to get it.
Would it be legal to hire a pilot to fly you around for a day or two and locate sheep fom the air.If I was to do this hunt, that would be my plan.Go fly for a day and find where they are then the work begins getting in to them.I would think this is legal since Fin did that drop off elk trip a few years back.I know he wasn't using the heli. for locating just transporting
If this is legal,I'd be up for the task and I'm from Pa.Just so happens I didn't draw my wy. elk tag either.Couple things I demand in a partner for camping in grizz country.First you have to keep my candy bars in your tent and be a much slower runner then me;sound good??
I would love to get in on this, I just wish my hunting vacation budget was longer than 7-10 days per year. Stupid question, but can you still accrue points while hunting these unlimited units?

You can't gain points, but you can do it without losing your points. Atleast, that's how I read it.
You guys should look at HD 602 landowner permits south of the River. I just talked to a guy that shot a 15 yo ram down there a couple years ago. The real sheep huntin' experts can be found at Happy Hour in Havre, MT.:D

On another note; theat, you the man. That looks like an amazing hunt with a well deserved ram. Thanks for sharing the story and including amazing pics. Trophy of a lifetime in so many ways.
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Awesome hunt effort by the sounds of it theat, certainly getting it done there. A lot of hunters talk about how tough it is to take this or that species, but surely an unlimited ram off your own pair of feet must rank as high up there as just about anything in your land.
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