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Moving to Wyoming (Looking for advice).

Where are you coming from? Matters for weather and things like "good hunting", everything is relative.

What do you need for career? that will steer you to/from many WY places

Wife and I have been here for 18 months, after moving from NH there are some VERY different things that we hadn't realized to consider. Don't get me wrong, we love it here, but it's different!
I will be coming from Eastern Oregon (Rural side). While Wyoming has more snow, we do have a solid winter and the climate is similar. "Good Hunting" to me is just having options and the ability to hunt in unit with solid success rates. Success rates in Oregon are not great so it doesn't take much for me to view something above that as "Good." Based on reviewed the Harvest Numbers in Wyoming, things look pretty darn good as far as opportunity and success. Granted the longer I'm in state, the more success I'd expect to have. I'm prepared for a challenge the first few years. I'm sure there is a learning curve.

I have a Forestry background and my wife is in Education. That said, we both can be very flexible and don't need a huge income to be happy or make ends meet. We are very simple and try to live very conservative in regards to our budget. Thank you for the questions.
You're going to be driving a lot to hunt in Wyoming no matter what. I would make the move based on the town where you're going to spend 99.99% of your time.
Where I am now, driving 3 to 4 hours to a unit you want to hunt is pretty normal. While I have hunting closer than that, the better units are typically further out. And if you are looking to hunt Roosevelt or Black Tail it's 3 hours minimum to get to the westside/coast. I expect some travel, but it would be nice to have some really good unit within an hour of so. I understand it may not be possible, that would just be ideal.
nice to have some really good unit within an hour of so
Sounds like you know what you're signing up for then. The really good areas are obviously going to be more difficult to draw consistently. I like living near general elk areas so I can consistently hunt close to home while still swinging for the fences for a Red Desert tag in the draw.
If you are looking to put your forestry background to use, that limits where in Wyoming you would want to live. Look where the National Forests are and that is where 99% of the trees are in the state. Northwest part of state mostly all though there are some nice looking p pine stands over by the Blackhills. NF lands in NW Wyoming are good hunting but you have to be willing to climb and cover a lot of ground to get to the animals. Its pack animal country for the most part.

Good luck and hope it works out for you.
If you are looking to put your forestry background to use, that limits where in Wyoming you would want to live. Look where the National Forests are and that is where 99% of the trees are in the state. Northwest part of state mostly all though there are some nice looking p pine stands over by the Blackhills. NF lands in NW Wyoming are good hunting but you have to be willing to climb and cover a lot of ground to get to the animals. Its pack animal country for the most part.

Good luck and hope it works out for you.
Thanks for the tip. USFS is an option for sure, I could also work with BLM as the transition is pretty smooth.
I live in Sheridan, feel free to send me a PM. I'd be glad to give you a call sometime and give you my honest opinion of the area and the rest of the state. I am fortunate to have spent some time in most corners of the state for work and have a pretty good handle on most places in a general sense.
I live in Sheridan, feel free to send me a PM. I'd be glad to give you a call sometime and give you my honest opinion of the area and the rest of the state. I am fortunate to have spent some time in most corners of the state for work and have a pretty good handle on most places in a general sense.
Thank you. I'll probably take you up on that.
Factor in a state income tax...because its coming on a freight train.

As far as your concerns about Albany county...that's a joke.

Also, unless you want to live in a tar-paper shack in Wamsutter...your 300K clear wont buy you much without a mortgage to go with it, in particular the areas you're considering.

Housing in all the cities in Wyoming worth living in, and even some not worth living in, has reached "stupid" levels.

Our shack that we had built 6 years ago for 300k in Laramie, appraises for 625K and I doubt it would stay on the market for a day at that price. Probably wouldn't last a week at 650K. Not much on the market here, at all.
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That's what happens when your elected officials that dominate a particular party rely so heavily on a single source of State revenue and thwart other business opportunities around every turn.

"We want to keep our small town atmosphere, we want to keep Wyoming the same, we dont like change"...blah blah blah.

Yeah, well, all I have to say has something to do with chickens, home and roosting...
Thanks for the suggestions. We have been researching online like crazy We are planning multiple trips out over the next 18 months. Our goal is to see several areas prior to moving/buying. We are also trying to network and make contacts with folks from all walks of life as well. That is why I appreciate any feedback you guys have provided. Because we have so much time, we don't have to rush anything and hope to the most educated decision possible. Thanks again.
Hit me up. Would love to have a meal with you and the wife, and mine.
Can't do Laramie. Albany county is one of two Wyoming counties I refuse to live in and it's for the same reason I'm leaving my current state.
“We are also trying to network and make contacts with folks from all walks of life as well.” 🤔

I think you really mean “all walks of life within 47.6% of the population”, correct? Just making sure everyone is on the same page. Would hate for you to move to a town that doesn’t meet those standards.
Also, unless you want to live in a tar-paper shack in Wamsutter...your 300K clear wont buy you much without a mortgage to go with it, in particular the areas you're considering.
You could always move into one of the abandoned buildings in Jeffrey City. I’m sure you could do a lot there with $300K. Outstanding big game hunting.
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