Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Moving to Wyoming (Looking for advice).

So do you currently live in Portland? I'm confused. I grew up on the OR border. Have spent a lot of time in P-town, though admittidly not in the last decade or so. But I still spend a ton of time in rural OR, plus I live in small town rural WA (which has the same issues with Seattle that you describe in Portland), and I for the life of me can't think of a single thing that's changed in rural OR that isn't due to the general influx of people to the west, nor can I think of anything in my current life that is affected by Seattle politics. I personally think OR has a shit ton going for it, including some great hunting and fishing, that is very unexploited by the general out-of-state hunting crowd. But if you want to move there are certainly worse places than WY. Good luck.
My wife's sister and brother in law have lived in Sheridan for many years. My take on the town is that its location is drop dead gorgeous. I do not think it is the easiest place in the world to make money. I'd wager that there is a fair amount of churn in the population.

The town more or less is the same size as it has been for a long time. Good paying jobs are fairly scarce, maybe even more scarce if the remaining coal jobs fizzle out.
You might want to adjust that budget, 300k is going to be super competitive but as long as you are patient you'll find something. We lived in Wyoming for near a decade before a transfer last year, we want to come back but even with the current promotion In place I fear we've been priced out of the towns we love.

IMO I think you're really discounting a great town in Laramie. It's in the top two places we're considering to moving back too.

The forest service is constantly hiring, usajobs is a good place to start.

Good luck.
I have to admit, I'm a little shocked by all these stories of house prices in Wyoming. I mean, I'm from New York. According to many, folks are jumping ship left and right to avoid the high cost of living here, but I live in a really nice house on 7 acres in an area that is pretty darn idyllic and our assessed value is just a hair over 200,000. Wyoming sounds kinda nuts right now. Is this just in the last year, or has it been this way for a while?
I have to admit, I'm a little shocked by all these stories of house prices in Wyoming. I mean, I'm from New York. According to many, folks are jumping ship left and right to avoid the high cost of living here, but I live in a really nice house on 7 acres in an area that is pretty darn idyllic and our assessed value is just a hair over 200,000. Wyoming sounds kinda nuts right now. Is this just in the last year, or has it been this way for a while?

It's been a steady increase for several years, I didn't complain a single time when we sold our house in Cheyenne in last year. But now looking at going back in the next year or two I'm starting to sing a different tune.
Wyoming native here--Couple nice towns that I haven't seen mentioned in this thread are Lander, Pinedale, and Thermopolis. They're not perfect and I'm sure RE is crazy, but I really like visiting these places as I cruise around the state.
Wyoming native here--Couple nice towns that I haven't seen mentioned in this thread are Lander, Pinedale, and Thermopolis. They're not perfect and I'm sure RE is crazy, but I really like visiting these places as I cruise around the state.
Pinedale has come up in my research and mentioned by some folks my wife knows. Lander has not come up, so thanks for mentioning that one. I have looked into Thermopolis as well, but only quickly.
Some Wyoming research I came up with a couple years ago when thinking about Wyoming as a place to retire.

Pinedale: Cold. Really cold!

Lander: Lots of hippie yoga chicks. Not a deal breaker though 😁. Expensive and water being scarce was.

Thermopolis: Cheap, but not a tree for a 100 miles.

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