Mountain Lions...Post 'em!


Oct 18, 2009
St. George, Utah
Here are a few pics from years past up to last year. Post your pics of your lion in the tree or with you and the lion or you the lion and the dogs. Do you have some close ups with you in the tree near the lion? Your crazy if you do.

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My first lion. Female, taken without hounds.


Love to go on a lion hunt.Anyone have any imfo on a good dog guy to use??Went on a bobcat hunt with dogs a few years back and it was awesome and tiring.Like to go a little bigger and try for mt lions now.Big outfitters are little too much for me $$wise.If anyone knows a good dog guide with decent prices please pm me
Love to go on a lion hunt.Anyone have any imfo on a good dog guy to use??Went on a bobcat hunt with dogs a few years back and it was awesome and tiring.Like to go a little bigger and try for mt lions now.Big outfitters are little too much for me $$wise.If anyone knows a good dog guide with decent prices please pm me

What state?
I'm in the same boat as mixedbag! I'm looking for a cat hunt winter/spring of 2014. Coming from IN I'll go to any state. I've seen a few outfits that offer to take you out again if they don't tree you a legal cat. For me that'd be a bit selling point...
I really don't know much about cat hunting, but going on an outfitted hunt in one of the special permit areas of Western Montana seems like it'd be an absolute blast. I know the morning I killed mine the houndsmen said they crossed five tracks before letting out on mine. The amount of cats we have right now is just stupid.
I've always wanted to do a mountain lion hunt, is it even realistic to do a hunt diy style w/o dogs?
I would recommend hooking up with a guide. My friend in So. Nevada is a great Mtn lion hunter and a guide. You don't have to draw a license there but you have to be mindful of two things. Your success is dependent on the snow and once the kill quota has been met the unit is shut down. Snow is the bigger issue or the lack of it.

We've had some fun times, before he was a guide, trying to tree lions during a dry year. One time we drug the roads with chain link fence and a railroad tie trying to erase old tracks.

Driving out that night we hit a mustang with his truck and had to walk out the remaining 7 miles. After a three hour nights sleep we met the Sheriff the next day in my friend's wife's suburban to report the dead mustang, file a report and meet the tow truck.

We got to the pass late but there were fresh lion tracks everywhere. So much so that the dogs were turned around and wouldn't stay on a track. After a long day chasing dogs we packed up and headed another mile up the road. We didn't have much time because my friend was due back in town for something.

All of a sudden my friend stopped the car and we got out to look around. In the road was this slide mark and deer fur with lion tracks. A lion took down a deer in the road and drug it down the canyon. We followed it for a few hundred yards. We found the deer kill and it was partially eaten and covered with leaves and grass. We could have treed that lion with more time since it was packing a belly full of venison but we had to go. We never went back either. The power of a lion is amazing.

My friend in So. Utah isn't a guide. He and his friends have a ton of dogs and like to tree lions. His dad was a government trapper specializing in lions and coyotes so he's been doing this since he could walk. Its in his blood. His dad says he used to tree lions without dogs. Follow them far enough and they will tree. He can also call in coyotes without any calls. That's a different story though.

Mtn lion is a draw hunt in UT. UT also has over the counter harvest objective permits. You take a chance with the HO permits in my area just like in Nevada. Snow is important and you have to check the harvest quota daily. It's doable but living here makes it that much easier. Watch the weather and take the days off.

The years my two friend drew I called them a day or two before and said you better get down here. They live in SLC and both killed their lions the day after the snowstorms.

I could get you in touch with my friend in Nevada but I think he's booked for lions this year. He guides for elk, deer, lions and bear if your interested. He goes to Idaho and Utah for the bears.
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Here's mine.

I really want one without dogs, but haven't gotten lucky yet. Dogs treed this one for me. Three year old tom weighed 116.



13 1/2 inch skull, you can see a puncture hole behind the eye socket from what I assume was another lion. He had a messed up canine as well. They live tough lives.

Here is a female from two days ago in SW montana. She didn't like staying in the trees for very long.


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Here's a female who decided to come out of the tree.

Here's a vid of her, click on the pic below:

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