most difficult athletic feat


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2004
Of any sport, what athletic accomplishment do you guys considering being the hardest to the highest level.
for me, it was hit a high school curve ball...... :mad:

Actually, to be honest, it is to coach a group of kids to pull all together and TUNE out their parents.... |oo
Iron Man. Strength, speed, endurance.

In my physical prime I did a mini-triatholon and I thought I was gonna die, then puke.

Have you really watched some of the chit they do WITHOUT BREAKING THEIR FREAKING NECKS:)
Most wrestling is just like sops, to much fake thins, and just i use have fav wrestlers when they go against ech other confuse u just fake chit it i done watching it, i like fmaily guy least stays still, no fake there cant beat adult cartoons:hump:
It is the consensus of many, including most professional atheletes that hitting a major league fastball for average is the hardest. The success and longevity of the Nolan Ryans, Roger Clemens, and Lance Armstrongs has to be right up there to me also.
Ok...its coaching someone to hit a spring gymnast with a baseball while riding a bicycle in a triathlon....whew! That is a tough feat!
Teaching high school girls gymnastics...
They have an absolute different outlook on life than most other athletes I have been around... ;)

As of modern days, I am my own worst enemy when it comes to pushing myself past the bar of what is I would suppose, considered the norm... :)