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Montana SB 151


New member
Jun 8, 2012
How come there's nothing about 151 on this site. Randy did a bang up job talking about 151 in the Senate Fish & Game committee Along with Vito & Ben Lamb . Doing away with the limited tags in the breaks and making it unlimited for Nonresidents Is just wrong. It will only get more lands lock up by outfitters
There was a thread about it, somewhere. With so much chaos in the Montana and Wyoming legislatures this year, hard to keep current on all the threads related to this stuff.
I've said before, I'm not from Montana and have never been to the great state, but from what I've seen on video of the Breaks, unlimited hunters would turn that place into a nightmare...I hope that doesn't pass.
"There was a thread about it, somewhere. With so much chaos in the Montana and Wyoming legislatures this year, hard to keep current on all the threads related to this stuff."

***You sure weren't kidding with that comment! My keyboard may need replacement soon with as many emails as I've sent out on the various Wyoming and Montana bills that have been introduced in the last 2 or 3 weeks.
How come there's nothing about 151 on this site. Randy did a bang up job talking about 151 in the Senate Fish & Game committee Along with Vito & Ben Lamb . Doing away with the limited tags in the breaks and making it unlimited for Nonresidents Is just wrong. It will only get more lands lock up by outfitters

The hearing went as expected. Landowners and Outfitters lined up in support. Hunters and FWP lined up against.

MBA did a fantastic job on this. So did MWF and MSA.

The bill is currently sitting in committee. The sponsor has asked for some time to bring the sides together to see if there can be any common ground. They have until the last day of February to find a compromise. Senator Brenden has made it clear that the committee will take action on the bill before transmittal.

Get those comments in to the COmmittee opposing this bill. The issue of permits is small compared to the horrible precedent of letting the Legislature set seasons and tag allocation. It abandons the North American Model and leads to privatized wildlife.
Indeed Adam Barker Did a great job for the MBA It was great that The sportmen all came together this time. The war between Sportmen and Land owners that there talking about Is between :Landowners and Fish and Game the sportsmen are just the tools that the Landowners use to try and get back at the Fish & Game The Republicans in montana seam to have turned there backs on Sportmen in this state. Mabe thats why they lost in the last election
Funny thing - a lot of the testimony in support of this bill was aimed at the economic impact of the NR permits, saying that these permits were supporting local businesses.

Access = economic activity. By pulling all of these ranches out of Block or denying access to hunters, those local businesses will see even more economic downturn. If those communities want to increase the amount of dollars coming into their communities, then they should be working to open access so more resident hunters come, not shut them out.
Me having a place in 621 the nonresidents I see are staying in Campers And bringing most of there food with them. I think the only moneys they spend here is topping off there gas tanks going and comming.I'm sure they buy a few things if they go to town.. But not any more then the resident hunters. Nr draw odds in the breaks is 35% there are no states out there that a Nr has a better chance at drawing a permit.
It was hilarious that one of the proponents stated that having a draw for these areas cost the local businesses $20 million /year... yeah right!
Yeah I don't see 20 Million being even close. LMAO Even though over the years I have spent thousands there on hunts I am guessing around the Glasgow area.
Yes one of the Senators called out the outfitter and ask were he got the numbers. And he could not come up with an answer. I knew they just pulled it out of there ass. The area around Glasgow has been limited 631 and 632 they were going to leave them limited. Theres not many motels in 410,417,621,622& 620 not many would drive 50 or 60 miles to stay in a motel. You couln't pay me to stay in the one in Zortman. In the units outside the breaks there are motels.
Hummm Wow interesting wanting to leave some limited and some not how crazy is that! MTELKHUNTER I agree on the Zortman hit that place late one night and keep drivin until I hit Glasgow. 620 is out there been in the area a few times def is an area I think one would have to camp to far to drive. We had some cow tags there one year. Spent most of my time in 631 and 632. Gotta love those Breaks though hope I draw my permit this year in there!
Once again, we watch MOGA try to line its pockets at our expense. They are not afraid to try to end around and not afraid of putting out false and misleading info. They participate in groups for solutions but run to the legislature every time to micromanage our public resources to their advantage if they don't get everything they want...much like a very spoiled child. Ever hear MOGA stand up for science based management or herd health management. Its always self serving. They have abandoned the public land outfitters for a "ranching for wildlife agenda".
from what I've seen on video of the Breaks, unlimited hunters would turn that place into a nightmare...I hope that doesn't pass.

It's almost that bad now and would only get worse! And, the hunting is nowhere near as good as it used to be!
Yes the breaks hunts are not as good as before. Theres to many cow tags. But thats what the elk management plan has done. It was also a plan that came from the Montana Senate Showing they have no business in wildlife issues.
I know Einstein, I was telling the NR. It can still be decent if a person busts their @$$ though, no reason for a NR to not apply and give it a shot.
I've said before, I'm not from Montana and have never been to the great state, but from what I've seen on video of the Breaks, unlimited hunters would turn that place into a nightmare...I hope that doesn't pass.

I need to dig into this one more............but for the record, it was unlimited for MANY years and it was not a nightmare. So your statement definately doesn't fit here.

I'm not savvy yet on all the details as I will dig into it, been out of commission for a while battling Influenza..........
Maybe not a "nightmare", but disputes over limited camping spots, NR permits exceeding the legislated 10% of permits cap, and the anecdotal reports of additional leases of private hunting lands because archery hunting permits, thus clients, were a sure thing.
Those are some factors discussed and considered at the time the issue was vetted and consequently resulted in a limited number of permits as opposed to unlimited. Although the NR success rate for drawing was reduced (obviously from 100% to something less) the resident draw success is pretty close to a good bet.

It was unlimited and not an issue for many years ... but the only constant is change and the changes in the Breaks were perceived by many to be unacceptable and problematic, thus the proposal, the vetting, and the shift to limited permits.
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